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Automation Testing Services - QAonCloud

automated testing
Automation Testing Services - QAonCloud

QAonCloud is one of the leading Automation Testing Company in USA. We are the leading provider of QA automation testing services, offering top-notch test automation services to help businesses improve their product quality and accelerate their time-to-market. We are offering a broad range of automation testing services, including web, mobile, and API testing. We leverage the latest automation testing tools, such as Selenium, Appium, and JMeter, to ensure that clients get the most efficient and reliable automation testing services possible.

Whether you need end-to-end automation testing or customized automation solutions, QAonCloud has the experience and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

QAonCloud’s end-to-end Test Automation Services enable application development with continuous integration and delivery. Our team of automation experts helps you to accelerate the test execution by building and executing automated scripts for your regression test suites with an increase in test effectiveness and test coverage. We use open-source technologies like Selenium, Cucumber, etc., to offer you customized automation services.

ROI is definitely a challenging factor when it comes to Automation. The benefit of automation can be assessed based on many factors like the number of releases per year, the number of regression cases, test huge volumes of data, etc., Any automation estimation includes the cost to create, execute and maintain the scripts.

Choosing opensource tools can reduce the cost to the tool license. The time spent on manual testing will be reduced by 80%, in most business scenarios. But, do not look for numbers for short term benefits. In a course of 2,3 years, your monetary ROI from investing in automation will grow exponentially.

Web: https://www.qaoncloud.com/automation-testing-services/

automated testing
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