Feta cheese is considered the tastiest cheese, and it qualifies as one of the healthiest options when it comes to cheese. Mostly feta cheese is made from goat milk or even cow milk, but you can prepare feta cheese at home with lactose-free milk.
What are the instructions you need to follow to make lactose-free feta cheese?
· Pour the milk into a large pan and boil it.
· Transfer it to a non-reactive utensil and let it cool until 30°C
· Add the mesophilic culture. Stir in an up-and-down way to make sure the culture is properly dissolved.
· Cover the pot and let it rest for 1 hour.
· Keep in mind that you need to maintain the temperature at 30°C. Therefore, you can use a bain-marie to do so.
· Stir using a spatula.
· Cover the pot with the lid and with a towel and keep it overnight.
· On the second day, cut the curd using a long-bladed knife vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.
· Let the curd rest for 10 minutes, and then start stirring gently.
· Try maintaining the curd at 30°C for an hour. Stirring occasionally. The curds will become stiffer and smaller.
· Over a strainer, place the muslin butter cloth, and then pour in the curd and let the whey drain.
· You can hang the cloth over the sink or place it in the strainer over a bowl.
· Let the whey drain for up to 24 hours. Flip the curd in-between times to ensure all the whey is drained.
· After 24 hours, place the cheese over a cutting board and cut it into cubes or shape it the way you want.
· Sprinkle 1 tsp. salt over the cheese and place it in an air-tight container in a room-temperature environment for 2 to 3 days.
· Once the three days pass, prepare the brine by dissolving the second tsp. of salt in water.
To know more about the recipe, Visit the WhynotDIY website for more details.