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Préparation TOEFL

Préparation TOEFL

The IELTS exam is possibly the most widely taken international English language test. Over 2.5 million people sit the test annually from across the world. IELTS is recognised by universities, companies, professional bodies such as the GMC and NMC, immigration authorities, and government institutions all all over the world as a way of measuring English language ability Préparation TOEFL.

The IELTS Reading paper

The reading paper of the Academic IELTS test is really a tough one. You've to read 3 academic texts extracted from journals, reports and articles and answer 40 questions on them in 1 hour. The texts are long – around 2,000 words each. What this means is you've to develop the capability to understand the main points quickly, in addition to the capability to discover the answers to the questions without reading each word.

What you need to do…

  1. Develop your vocabulary, especially of key IELTS topics such as for example work, education, social trends, mass media, travel and tourism, and the environment.
  2. Enhance your comprehension of complex English, in order to quickly follow complicated ideas and arguments. You'll need to observe how ideas are connected together – within sentences, between sentences, and between paragraphs.
  3. Practice answering IELTS style questions which means you become accustomed to them – work on practice test papers, get tips from your own teacher, or use the SLC resource library (if you're having a course with us)

As part, of this it's critical to READ!!

The most effective practice exercise to of all would be to simply read. Once you become accustomed to reading articles from newspapers and magazines, you will have fewer issues with long articles in the test itself.

Practice reading quickly for understanding, then look for specific facts and figures of interest. Make notes as you go of new words and phrases Préparation TOEFL.

As a starting place, we have compiled a set of 10 useful reading resources and websites which can assist you to practice your reading skills at home. They cover a really wide variety of topics, so can be very helpful for the IELTS Test.

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