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Unleash Success: Revitalize Your Job Portal Profile for a Career Boost.

Unleash Success: Revitalize Your Job Portal Profile for a Career Boost.

If you're a successful leader or executive in your field, it's easy to get comfortable and not pay much attention to your online resume or professional contacts. You might think, "I've reached my goals, so why bother updating my profile?"

But in the last ten years, things have changed. Traditional ways of meeting new professionals through work connections are not as effective as they used to be. Now, online networking is the way to go. Among various platforms, LinkedIn is the most popular tool for building your professional brand.

Many people create their resumes and profiles when they're in school or starting their careers. However, they often forget to update them after completing additional degrees, achieving goals, or finishing training programs. Even when they reach the height of their career, they might not see the need to update their profiles. However, with over 443 million members on LinkedIn, there are good reasons to keep your profile up to date.

Recruiters can easily find you.

Even if you're not actively looking for a new job, it's essential to keep your professional identity up-to-date. You never know what the future holds or when a career change might come your way. By staying visible on platforms like LinkedIn, you make it easier for recruiters to discover you. If the time comes when you need to make a change, having an updated online presence will be valuable. A Forbes study found that 93 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn, and they invest in premium memberships. When you accomplish goals or complete programs, you increase your value in the job market. However, if you don't update your online resumes and profiles, no one will know about your hard work and achievements.

Appear at the top of search engines.

When people search for your name online, your LinkedIn profile is often one of the first results, if not the very first. This matters because 94 percent of users don't go beyond the first page of search results. If you're investing a lot of time and money in optimizing your personal website or online resume for search engines (SEO). The easiest way to showcase your achievements is by maintaining an up-to-date LinkedIn profile. It ensures that people can easily find and learn about all that you've accomplished.

Automatically boost your personal brand.

Websites like LinkedIn are great for making more people see and trust you in your professional circle. When you add something new you've achieved, like finishing a course or getting a special award, everyone you're connected with gets a message about it. This is good not just if you're looking for a new job but also if you want to look even better to the people you already know. And if you own a business, these updates can make more people notice and like your company, making your brand stronger.

More content leads to better connections.

Professionals connect on websites like LinkedIn. They use special computer programs to help people find each other. These programs look for certain words and skills in profiles. So, if you put lots of important words and details about what you've achieved, learned, and experienced, it makes it easier for the right people to find you. It could be someone looking to hire you or an important person in your industry. Being clear and specific in your profile can help you connect with the people who can really help you in your career.

A more visually engaging resume alternative.

Websites for professionals offer more than just a regular paper resume. When you add new things you've done, like finishing school or achieving goals, use the special features on the website. You can add designs, samples of your work, references, photos, logos, or anything else that shows what you're good at in a cool way. This doesn't just make your profile more fun to look at, but it also shows off your skills and achievements better than a regular resume can. It's like adding extra flavor to your professional story!

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