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Indian Natural Home Remedies for Treating Cold and Cough in Kids This Winter

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As the winter season approaches, it brings along the risk of colds and coughs, especially in children. While over-the-counter medications are readily available, many parents prefer natural remedies to treat their kids' ailments. In this blog, we'll explore traditional Indian home remedies that have been passed down through generations to help alleviate cold and cough symptoms in children.


Turmeric Milk (Haldi Doodh):


Warm milk mixed with a pinch of turmeric is a classic remedy known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.


Turmeric helps boost the immune system, providing relief from cold symptoms.


Honey and Tulsi (Basil) Tea:


A concoction of warm water, honey, and crushed tulsi leaves works wonders in soothing a sore throat and suppressing cough.


Tulsi has antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it an excellent natural remedy.


Ginger Infusion:


Ginger is a potent remedy for treating respiratory infections. Boil crushed ginger in water, add honey and lemon, and give it to your child to sip throughout the day.


Ginger's antimicrobial properties help combat infections, providing relief from cold and cough.


Steam Inhalation with Ajwain (Carom Seeds):


Inhaling steam infused with ajwain (carom seeds) helps relieve nasal congestion and ease breathing difficulties.


The antimicrobial properties of ajwain aid in clearing respiratory passages.


Warm Saltwater Gargle:


A simple saltwater gargle can help soothe a scratchy throat. Ensure the water is warm but not too hot.


Saltwater gargling helps reduce inflammation and kills bacteria in the throat.


Jaggery and Black Pepper Concoction:


Jaggery (gur) combined with a pinch of black pepper is an age-old remedy for cough. It helps in reducing chest congestion.


The natural sweetness of jaggery makes it a kid-friendly remedy.


Nasal Saline Drops:


Saline drops can help relieve nasal congestion in infants and toddlers. These drops can be easily prepared at home with a mixture of salt and warm water.


Using a dropper, instill a few drops into each nostril to ease breathing.


Ajwain Potli (Carom Seeds Pouch):


Make a small pouch containing ajwain seeds and warm it slightly. Gently press the pouch on the child's chest to relieve congestion.


The aromatic properties of ajwain provide comfort and relief.




These traditional Indian home remedies offer a holistic approach to treating cold and cough in kids during the winter season. While these remedies can provide relief, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen. Additionally, maintaining good hygiene practices, ensuring proper nutrition, and keeping children warm during the winter can contribute to overall well-being and reduce the risk of illnesses.

For more such information please visit our website Lilamigosnest the Kids One Stop Shop Online in India

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