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Cantilever Racking Solutions: Organize with Ease

Complete Warehouse Solutions
Cantilever Racking Solutions: Organize with Ease

Introduction to Cantilever Racking Systems


The ideal solution for storing long and varying length goods, such as beams, pipes, and boards is the cantilever racking.

This setup includes specialised structural columns and articulated arms to secure your materials. It comes in both single and double-sided designs with various load distribution choices.

You can select between light, medium, or heavy-duty options based on the specific requirements of your load, arm length, and column height.

Consider these five benefits of cantilever racking to enhance warehouse efficiency with cantilever storage racks:

1.   Maximising space utilisation

2.   Easy access to products and materials

3.   Versatile storage options

4.   Preserving product integrity

5.   Promoting a safe workspace.

Types of Cantilever Racking

There are different styles of cantilever racks available, including roll formed and structural steel. Steel is often the most reliable material for long-term durability and stability, especially when handling heavy items that require forklift access. For warehouse safety, a high-quality cantilever rack should withstand mild contact with machinery.

There are two main types of cantilever racks: structural and roll formed.

Structural racks are built with hot-rolled steel and have high load capacities, making them incredibly strong and low-maintenance in tough warehouse environments.

On the other hand, roll formed racks use cold roll-formed steel and are lighter in weight, often referred to as light-duty cantilever racks. Despite this, they can still support up to 30,000 lbs.

The major advantage of a light-duty rack is its adjustability. Unlike structural racks, they use boltless pin connectors for easy installation and reconfiguration, as seen in a cantilever assembly guide.

This makes them popular in fast-paced facilities like food and beverage distribution centres that require high-volume storage options.


Cantilever Racking Configurations

Depending on the products and layout of your facility, you may choose either single or double-sided racking. Single-sided racks have arms only on one side and are balanced by a stackable base rather than identical arms on both sides.

This allows for positioning back-to-back to maximise storage usage. The key components of single-sided racks include the tower, stackable base, arms, and brace set. On the other hand, double-sided racks offer a higher storage density and can be stacked vertically to increase vertical storage and free up floor space.

This improved accessibility also leads to a safer and more organised warehouse. Many cantilever systems use a combination of both single and double-sided racks.

Cantilever systems offer unique benefits for warehouse storage compared to standard pallet racking. One advantage is their heavy-duty capabilities, making them ideal for bulky and heavy items such as timber products and steel bars.

These types of loads can be challenging to store efficiently and may lead to material damage if stored externally. By utilising cantilever racks, warehouse capacity is increased by allowing for more storage levels both vertically and horizontally. This eliminates the need for front vertical posts, enabling forklifts to easily load and unload items.


Ease of assembly and adjustability

Setting up cantilever racking is generally a simple process. The racks feature a modular design that allows for effortless assembly and smooth adaptability. Some lighter options even utilise boltless, slot-in pieces for swift installation.

Meanwhile, industrial grade cantilever racks use sturdy bolted beams. These racks can be either freestanding or attached to a wall. An I-beam variant typically includes two load-bearing arms without separate shelves.

Additionally, most systems do not require external rack braces, making assembly even quicker.

Increased storage space

One significant benefit of cantilever racking is its ability to maximize vertical storage. The combination of uprights and base plates creates a stable foundation for the racks, while rack arms and sway braces serve as support for shelving units. This design is particularly useful when storing large pieces of lumber, which can be directly placed on the arms. With the flexibility to adjust arm positioning along the vertical uprights, goods can be stacked vertically, making use of all available space and reducing floor clutter.

This feature allows warehouse managers to have more options in arranging the warehouse layout and simplifies retrieval of goods with forklifts.

Rack accessibility

Cantilever shelving offers clear visibility, making locating and identifying specific items and product lines easier for warehouse employees. This improvement in visibility leads to faster picking times and less downtime, ultimately boosting warehouse productivity. In addition, the open front allows for direct access to inventory using forklifts. Overall, the cantilever pallet rack design is an ideal solution for improving direct pick access and optimizing space for material handling equipment.


In conclusion, cantilever racking systems offer a versatile and efficient solution for optimizing warehouse operations. Their robust design and flexibility make them ideal for storing long, bulky, or irregularly shaped items, ensuring better space utilization and improved inventory management.

At COMPLETE WAREHOUSE SOLUTIONS, we are committed to providing tailored racking solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. Our expert team is here to help you enhance your warehouse efficiency and productivity with high-quality cantilever racking systems. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your storage needs and streamline your operations.

Complete Warehouse Solutions
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