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What are the New Trends in Landscape Installation in Florida?

Pura Vida Landscape
What are the New Trends in Landscape Installation in Florida?

Working with a landscape installation company in Florida without knowing the trends is not exciting. You might repeat the old and outdated landscape designs, adding nothing new to your property.

If you are planning a landscape installation in Florida, you should know and understand the trends shaping the process. Working with a professional landscaping company might make this easier.

Trends to follow for landscape installation in Florida

Sustainable landscaping:

Sustainable landscaping uses ecological elements and principles to nurture and support the local environment. This emphasizes reducing water wastage and promoting ecosystem health.

Sustainable trends include using native plants suitable to the local climate and soil, incorporating rain gardens to filter storm water runoff, and installing landscape lighting that consumes less energy.

Low maintenance plants:

Focus on plants with attractive aesthetic appeal and minimal maintenance. Remember, a garden with low-maintenance plants is for all seasons. They thrive with little attention.

When you hire a professional landscape company in Florida, you get expert installation and minimal maintenance.

Vertical gardening:

Florida homeowners often suffer from limited outdoor space. Therefore, the concept of vertical gardening is best for them. It’s also trending because of its innovative look.

In vertical gardening, lush greenery extends upward, transforming ordinary walls or structures into vibrant, living art. Vertical gardening also improves the environment by reducing noise pollution and improving air quality.

Smart landscaping:

The rise of smart technology is unstoppable. Every year, new technology is added. Bring this technology into your landscape design by adding high-tech features. Smart landscaping using advanced technology manages and maximizes the efficiency of your outdoor space.

A few smart landscape features are automated irrigation systems, Wi-Fi-enabled outdoor lighting, and remote-controlled lawn mowers. For the latter, seek guidance from landscape lighting installers in Florida.

Drought-tolerant design:

Though drought is not prevalent in Florida, you should follow a drought-tolerant design. This embraces nature as well as conserves natural resources.

Drought-tolerant design is environmentally responsible as it reduces water footprint, saving it to a huge extent and maintaining a verdant living space. The design includes selecting regional, heat-loving plants, opting for stone or gravel over grass, installing xeriscaping, mulching, and installing drip irrigation systems.

Minimalist landscaping design:

Minimalist landscaping means designing for simplicity and elegance. It is trending in almost everything. A few common features of minimalist landscaping are leveraging streamlined, geometric layouts, limiting plant selection, choosing a simple, monochromatic color palette, and using minimal garden decor and accessories.

Minimalism reduces visual noise and enhances the aesthetic appeal of subtle landscaping.

Let Pura Vida Landscape be your partner for landscape installation in Florida.

At Pura Vida Landscape, we don’t just shape landscapes; we shape the future of outdoor living. We are committed to sustainability and creating functional and beautiful outdoor spaces, which makes us a different landscape installation company in Florida. So, contact us today to start this transformative journey for your landscape. 

Pura Vida Landscape
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