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Andropause: Symptoms and Treatment of Male Menopause

Abhinav Sharma
Andropause: Symptoms and Treatment of Male Menopause

Andropause is a fascinating term that describes male menopause. But is it for real? What really happens? How similar is it to menopause in women?

There must be so many questions in your head that you are looking answers for to. So, here we are with all the answers for you and help you understand the entire process. Let’s get onto the topics right below.

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Andropause – What is it?

Andropause is a term given to male menopause or hypogonadism. It denotes a natural phenomenon of decline in the primary sex hormone, testosterone.

Changes in hormonal profile are bound to bring about a few changes. These can be related to a few physical and psychological symptoms that can impact men’s well-being.

To help you educate yourself about the phenomenon, we will talk in detail about the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment modalities for Andropause.

Symptoms of Male Menopause

Andropause can exhibit a variety of symptoms that may need to be addressed. It is crucial to recognize the symptoms and get medical intervention if necessary.

The list of symptoms includes –

Low libido –

One of the major symptoms of Andropause is lowered sex drive. Testosterone is the main male hormone and plays an important role in regulating libido and sexual functioning. When the hormonal level decreases, it exhibits symptoms related to a declined interest in sexual activity. Due to limited sexual activity, the overall satisfaction in a relationship might also take a dip.

Erectile dysfunction –

Along with lowered sex drive, lower testosterone levels may also affect erectile functioning. Erectile dysfunction may happen due to decreased testosterone levels which also play a role in regulating blood flow to the penis.

If there are erectile issues in a relationship, it might affect self-esteem and may even disrupt a relationship.

Decreased muscle mass – Testosterone also plays a major role in determining muscle mass and strength in men. When testosterone levels decrease, it may cause a loss of muscle mass.

Consequently, it affects athletic performance and overall strength. It might impact their overall functioning capacity, which may further induce stress.

Body fat –

Adequate testosterone levels are linked with muscle mass and fat in the body. When testosterone levels decrease, they hamper the regulation of fat deposition, mostly around the belly.

Imbalance in far deposition may lead to fat accumulation around the abdomen, further increasing the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Bone density –

Testosterone truly plays multiple roles, including determining bone density. When men hit Andropause and testosterone levels decrease, bone density also gets affected.

It might even cause serious conditions like osteoporosis and fractures. One may also complain of pain and stiffness in the body.

Energy levels –

Testosterone imbalance can trigger fluctuations in energy levels. When the testosterone level drops, one may complain of fatigue and lethargy. It is okay to feel it once in a while, but when there is hormonal imbalance, it becomes an everyday thing.

It also showcases a negative impact on mood, stamina, and overall vigour to be involved in activities. Having no energy over time may also impact the quality of life, increase stress, and lower confidence.

Mood changes –

When testosterone levels drop, it might have a huge impact on one’s mood. Altered testosterone levels may cause mood swings, anxiety, stress, and even depression.

When one experiences mood swings, they are bound to have a negative influence on personal and professional relationships. They may leave a sour taste in someone, further decreasing their interest in day-to-day activities.

Focus –

Facing hormonal imbalance over a prolonged time can even affect your ability to focus and concentrate. It might also exhibit memory troubles and the ability to process information.

Due to these effects, one may fail to perform at work or make decisions that further impact overall well-being.

Hair growth –

Diminished levels of testosterone also impact the hair growth pattern. Men with lowered testosterone usually show signs of baldness, which further causes low self-esteem.

Studies claim that almost 12% of men face low sex drive and almost 16% witness erectile dysfunction during Andropause.

What are the causes of Andropause?

There can be multiple reasons for a man to encounter Andropause. Here we will get into the common causes of Andropause in men.

Ageing –

Older men are prone to Andropause, mostly in their 40s or 50s and above. It usually happens due to decreased testosterone levels in men when they hit a certain age. Studies suggest that testosterone peaks during the 20s and slowly begins to decrease after 30s.

To put a number, it is said that testosterone levels decline by 1% every year after 30 in men.

Primary Hypogonadism –

This is the condition where the testes are affected and cannot produce enough testosterone. The condition could further be a result of genetic disorders, trauma, infection, or chemotherapy. Hypogonadism can affect men early on or even after a certain age


Secondary Hypogonadism-

is also due to low testosterone levels and dysfunction of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Consequently, there is not enough signal to the testes, resulting in lower testosterone levels. Secondary hypogonadism could occur due to tumours, injuries, or other inflammatory diseases.

Due to the aforementioned reasons the levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone deplete, which further affect the testosterone levels and cause Andropause.

Chronic disorders –

Certain chronic diseases negatively impact testosterone levels due to various intricacies and contribute to Andropause. Also, medications used to treat the disease in question may also impact testosterone production and result in Andropause.

Common examples of these conditions are diabetes, renal dysfunction, sleep disorder, and obesity to name a few.

Lifestyle –

A sedentary lifestyle is causing major disruptions and Andropause is one of them. Long-sitting hours, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption are a few examples that negatively impact testosterone production.

Stress –

Along with various physical factors, certain psychological factors can also take you on the ride of low testosterone production. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression have the potential to create a hormonal mess. Excessive stress also releases stress hormones that can impair testosterone function.

Genetics –

Genetics play an important role in conditions like these. Some men have a genetic predisposition to Andropause. A few chromosomal disorders can impact testosterone dysfunction and increase the likelihood of Andropause.

How can you diagnose Andropause?

You should visit your doctor if you notice any mentioned symptoms to get a proper diagnosis. Your doctor will assess your medical history and evaluate all the symptoms to diagnose the condition. Along with that, your healthcare provider may order a few tests.

The tests include –

  • Assessment of testosterone levels in the body
  • Assessment of luteinizing hormone in the body to monitor pituitary function
  • Haemoglobin levels in the blood
  • Medical history evaluation, including all the medicines you take
  • Symptomatic history

After a detailed evaluation, your healthcare provider will diagnose the condition for you.

What are the treatment options for Andropause?

Due to intensive changes in the healthcare space, there are more options available to treat various disorders. After getting a thorough diagnosis, your doctor can suggest any of the treatment plans mentioned below:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy –

The therapy works by giving support to the body in the form of artificial testosterone. It can be done in the form of transdermal application via patches, gels, creams, or even liquids. This method of application is easy to use and gives control to the patient.

One can also get intramuscular injections, which are usually repeated weekly or biweekly. The dosage is decided by your doctor according to the gravity of the underlying disorder. Your doctor may also give oral or nasal forms of testosterone to maintain a sustained release of testosterone for several hours.

For patients who need long-term administration, your doctor may even suggest getting pellets that are implanted under the skin. The treatments need to be carried out only by an expert who can monitor the levels closely and adjust the dose when required.

Lifestyle –

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can end all misery and give you a better tomorrow. Certain modifications, like sticking to a healthy diet, can be the first step to achieving the goal.

Also, exercising regularly can help you stay fitter and keep a tab on muscle mass and strength. You should also try to work on stress levels via meditation, deep breathing, or other activities that bring joy to you.

With these steps, it is crucial to get adequate sleep on a daily basis to be well-rested. Ample sleep helps you maintain a high energy level and focus throughout the day.

Medical treatment –

It is vital to get a proper examination done and understand the underlying reasons. If there are any medical conditions that may be the major culprit, it is advised to get proper treatment done. Treating the underlying issue can ease the hormonal imbalance and help the condition.

Therapy –

Andropause can weigh one down and cause immense stress and anxiety along with mood swings and low self-esteem. One should consider enrolling in therapy to help deal with psychological distress.

A psychologist can help by providing coping mechanisms and other stress management techniques.

Bottom Line

Andropause can cause major disruption in a man’s life. To better manage the condition, it is important to be more aware of it and understand its signs and symptoms. At the same time, consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

A doctor will undertake a thorough evaluation and suggest the best treatment strategies that can work wonders for you. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor and improve your quality of life.

Abhinav Sharma
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