Whether you head a large company or small business, saving money can be a struggle. Paying close attention to what’s flowing in and out of your business account is more important than ever as summer approaches and operating expenses rise. Meticulous expenditure tracking can be difficult without a pricey financial planner or private accountant. With careful strategizing and cost cutting however, your business expenses can be trimmed and brought under control to save money and ensure your company thrives. The following tips will help keep money where it belongs, in your bank account.
- Negotiate with Suppliers and Vendors
Almost everything can be negotiated: supplies, leases, even utilities. Simply asking for a discount can sometimes pay off big and save hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Vendors will usually consider counteroffers for their services and retail spaces will often consider renegotiating lease agreements if asked.
Negotiations don’t always persuade vendors to lower their prices, but if you really can’t spare the cash, classic bartering can go a long way. If you run a business, you must have some marketable skills. Offer to utilize them in exchange for lower rates. For example, if you run a marketing company and need financial services, you can offer the financial company marketing services in exchange for managing your financials.
- Outsource where Possible
Employee-related costs are often one of the largest expenses in business: salaries, insurance, office space and more. Potential cuts can be significant while avoiding layoffs. Hiring consultants as needed instead of full-time employees can help you avoid paying full-time salaries and allow for negotiating lower rates.
- Try your Hand at Advertising
Cutting advertising cots is easier than ever with the internet and online resources available today. Using social media techniques and learning a little about SEO can improve your brand awareness and increase web traffic to your site or online store. Maybe even try your hand at making YouTube videos in your niche.
You can also utilize more traditional marketing techniques like speaking at a community meeting, tucking promotional materials into customer purchases, or sending snail mail. Be creative and have fun with it while keeping budget in mind.
- Use the Cloud and Open Source Software
Save cash on servers and in-house software by switching to a cloud-based platform. You can store all of your data online in the cloud inexpensively and share it among employees. Having open source software (programs that are public for anyone to use) is an excellent cost cutting method. You won’t need to pay hundreds for expensive applications and open-source software can be found for almost every task.
- Go Mobile
Working remotely is a popular way to save on business expenses and can be a great benefit to offer employees. This may not be possible for all business, but the savings potential is huge. By working virtually, you can save on office space, utilities, and office supplies.
- Hire and Train Newbies
Giving job applicants with less experience a shot can make a big difference on your bottom line. By hiring recent grads, you can offer entry-level salaries that won’t cut it with more experienced prospects. Also, younger employees tend to be more up to date with the latest technologies and are eager for chances to prove themselves in the work place. Let the process be mutually beneficial. We all had to get our start somewhere!
- Cut down on Gas and Electricity
Cutting down on energy consumption can lead to significant savings and reduce your monthly expenses. The first step is making small cuts to your energy usage. Shopping around for energy providers can help lower your utility expenses as well. UK Power has an online energy comparison tool that compares gas and electricity tariff rates for businesses in the UK. If you live in an area where switching providers is possible, switching to the lowest-costing service can have quite in impact.
- Build Business Partnerships
Many of your subscription and service costs can be cut by splitting them with other businesses in your area or niche. Create a mutual experience by promoting each other’s events, exchanging consumer contact information, and even sharing suppliers. Building strong alliances with other businesses is never a bad idea.
- Save by Going Green
Making environmentally-friendly changes are not only good for PR, they can be great ways to fatten your wallet. ‘Going Green’ can mean anything from simply turning off equipment when not in use, to investing in larger-scale projects like installing solar panels on the roof or switching to dual or even triple-pane windows. All of these can help significantly save on monthly expenditures in the long run.
- Be Smart with your Taxes
Small businesses are often eligible for several tax deductions including: equipment maintenance, utilities, transportation costs, rent interest, client entertainment, charitable donations, and more. The IRS website as lots of resources on how to apply these deductions and more for big savings.
If you’re a larger company, another possibility is to negotiate better tax rates at your local city hall or chamber of commerce. Tax breaks are often considered for businesses that community leaders want to stick around.
Cost cutting isn’t always fun, but the potential savings each month will make you thank yourself in the long run. There are many possible ways for almost every business to enjoy solid savings.