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Blueprint-Large Format Scanning Service in San Diego CA

john kavin
Blueprint-Large Format Scanning Service in San Diego CA

Our High-Speed, Blueprint-Large format Scanners can accommodate nearly any Oversize, Architectural or Blueprint project.

Our detailed Blueprint Scanning and Large Format Scanning Service Quality Control Process ensures that images are delivered at Maximum Readability, and our Professional Staff will work with you to ensure that you’re completely satisfied with your project.

Client records are reviewed up to 10 times prior to data submission and archival.

Preparation to include the removal of all staples and fasteners, embossing of raised seals, repair of torn or deteriorated edges, reordering of documents, examination of back sides for additional information, identification of delicate and older documents, identification of color or grayscale needs

Scanning to recognize the need for special image enhancement or threshold settings or unusual or discolored plans.

By using our blueprint scanning imaging services, you can rest assured that the plans will remain in pristine condition, and you can store hundreds or thousands of drawings without worrying about storage costs.

john kavin
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