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Attract More Customers with Original Promotional Videos for YouTube

Cheryl Riggs
Attract More Customers with Original Promotional Videos for YouTube

Original promotional videos, one of the most efficient attraction alternatives.

You could say that YouTube is the social video network par excellence, because despite the existence of other platforms such as Vimeo, YouTube is the most visited video page.

You could even say that this audiovisual social network gave us a new format of celebrities with all those Internet personalities that exhibit their work on YouTube.

It is not at all strange that many strategies of original promotional videos production have already been made to reach people through this powerful video page. While YouTube has been studied to the point of exhaustion, the marketing geniuses will always find a new way to use this portal in their favor. Currently there are several campaigns that have already acquired a format within the page.

That is why in this text we will present three types of campaigns to promote through YouTube.

  1. Original "Unboxing" promotional videos

If you have ever been exploring on YouTube, you probably recognize the videos popularly called "unboxing". This type of video consists of taking any type of product from its original box for the first time. The most common that can be seen are videos in which the boxes of smartphones or some videogame console are opened. The original promotional videos that take advantage of the unboxing, suggest a campaign in which a product is offered to a YouTube and he opens the box while recording.

  1. Original promotional videos in the form of a tutorial.

Working with a YouTube star to develop a useful tutorial is one of the best ways for companies to reach millions of consumers, while providing value to YouTube subscribers and global audiences. Because this type of videos seek consumers, tend to be high levels of commitment, this is a cost-effective way to influence a purchase decision.

  1. Original promotional videos in Blog style.

There are many YouTube stars who are dedicated to documenting experiences and creating authentic dialogue with their subscribers through the original promotional videos style blogs. For brands it is very easy to take advantage of the audience of YouTube stars to implement a marketing strategy that operates within the video blog and seeks to have exposure with millions of followers.

Cheryl Riggs
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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