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New Subsidy Scheme in 2019 for Rooftop Solar

Loom Solar
New Subsidy Scheme in 2019 for Rooftop Solar

(Modified Content): Institutional, Educational, Social, Government, Commercial, Industrial Categories for the Central Financial Support will not be available

 the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has Grid-Connected Rooftop Solar Program for the second phase of 40 GW Projects of cumulative capacity to achieve Central Financial Support of Rs. 118.14 Billion (~ $ 1.66 Billion) of its Year 2022 acceptance is granted.

 Rooftop Solar Program Phase - II in the Residential Sector for Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of the restructuring has been done. 3 kW of Rooftop Systems to 40 percent (40%) CFA will be available, while the 3 kW, more than Rooftop Systems and 10 kW, CFA of 20 percent (20%) will be available.

Group Housing Society or residential welfare associations, in the case of assistance eligible for the maximum capacity of 500 kW and CFA the common features of power supply for Rooftop Solar projects up to 20 percent (20%) will be limited.

Residential Category under the CFA Benchmark cost or tender cost, whichever is less 4,000 MW capacity on the basis of the will be provided. However, other categories such as Institutional, Educational, Social, Government, Commercial, Industrial Categories for Financial Support assistance will not be available.

the Government intends by 2022 to 40 GW Rooftop Solar Projects in achieving the DISCOMs participation to increase. Therefore, Phase II of the program, under the Financial Year in has been achieved Rooftop Solar Capacity on the basis of the DISCOM in the performance based incentives will be provided. .  these incentives DISCOMs in your area Rooftop Solar Program of rapid implementation of a supportive environment able to make.

DISCOMs the incentives only program under 18,000 MW of the initial capacity increase to be available.

in the program per year 45.6 tons and skilled and unskilled workers for almost 9,39,000 jobs in carbon emission reductions is expected.

know where- how to get

 Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd. is young, dynamic and emerging manufacturer of solar modules having 100 MW state of art facility in Haryana, India.

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