AI Products 
Naveed Safdar
The death of Air Power

Apple just canceled one of its most anticipated products, Air Power citing difficulty in achieving the “high standards” set by the company. Air Power perhaps has been one of the very few products in Apple’s history that has caused a lot of bad PR for the company.

Back in 2017, the company announced that it will be announcing a special wireless charger dubbed as “Air Power” which will have close to 30 Qi coils, all engineered in a single wireless mat like charger. The special wireless charging mat was supposed to charge iPhone, Apple Watch and Air Pods, granted all of them had the wireless charging feature. However, the recent statement by Apple’s SVP of hardware engineering Dan Riccio delivered the bad news that everyone was fearing for the last one year.

“After much effort, we’ve concluded AirPower will not achieve our high standards and we have canceled the project. We apologize to those customers who were looking forward to this launch. We continue to believe that the future is wireless and are committed to pushing the wireless experience forward”

Ever since 2017, fans have been eagerly waiting for the wireless Air Power mat, at that time Apple assured its fans that they will be releasing the product in 2018. Then came and went 2018 and no sign of Air Power was seen and finally in 2019, Apple officially killed the one of Apple’s most highly anticipated project.

The main reason for its cancellation was the engineering challenges that were faced during the project’s experimentation phase where Apple engineers saw the Air Power wireless mat suffering from overheating issues. Interestingly, earlier in March, The Wallstreet Journal reported that Apple had given a thumbs up for Air Power to enter mass production. However, after 550 days of announcement Apple has finally laid the project to rest.


Why was Air Power so highly anticipated?

The reason why Air Power became so famous among the consumers was the promise of a wireless charger which had the ability to charge three devices at once (Apple Watch, Air Pod headphones, and an iPhone). This was completely unique technology with multiple coils that would let the charger work without having to find an exact sweet spot on the charging mat, and a software UI for the iPhone to display the current charging status of all the three devices at once.

While this experiment never saw the light of the day, Apple’s reason for its cancellation was something to ponder upon. The company cited “high standards” for the failure of Air Power which is odd considering the embarrassing and continuous failure of Apple’s butterfly keyboard on the new MacBook Pros ever since they were introduced in 2016. Many consumers have filed lawsuits against the Cupertino Giant blaming Apple for selling a faulty product at a high price. Furthermore, Apple even had to apologize for its butterfly keyboard’s lackluster performance in a recent statement.

Another bad news for the Apple fans was the affordable price of the Air Power which according to several rumors was somewhere between $150-$200. Considering Apple as a brand is infamous for charging ultra-high prices for its products. In fact, if you’re buying some of Apple’s high-end Mac machines, then for that same price you might find a lot of Used Cars for sale at a decent condition.


For now, Apple has made a huge blunder which has caused a lot of bad PR for the company. Whether Apple will regain its consumer’s trust in 2019 is a completely different story which will only be narrated by time as 2019 progresses.


Naveed Safdar
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