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A Comprehensive Analysis on Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Implementation in 2019

Alex Harpper
A Comprehensive Analysis on Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Implementation in 2019

Although the healthcare industry has been slower at adopting the technologies associated with the Internet of Things, the growth that it will bring by 2021 will still be in the billions, according to Allied Market Research; $136.8 billion to be exact.

The transformation that the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) technology will bring to the healthcare sector will not only be beneficial to patients, but it will create a demand for better treatment options, it will streamline workflow optimization within delivery systems, and it will decrease healthcare costs by providing better healthcare outcomes. With over 3.7 million medical devices currently in use, we are poised to see this number dramatically increase as IoMT connected devices and IoMT implementation continues to create ultimate IoMT technology solutions in the medical industry.

Alex Harpper
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