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Apply Indian 5 years e-tourist visa online | Indian visa fee

Prissy Nelson
Apply Indian 5 years e-tourist visa online | Indian visa fee
International traveler can apply for the Indian 5 years e-tourist visa online. If the purpose of his/ her visit to stay in India for tourism for a long duration.
It is a multiple entries visa. It is a multiple entry visa. The maximum stay of the Indian e-tourist visa is 180 days for the USA, UK, Japan, and Canada. The maximum stay for other countries is 90 days.
Recently, the government of India has updated the fee structure for the Indian tourist visa according to time duration. International traveler can apply for the Indian tourist visa through Indiaevisas. The tourist visa to India is a travel authorization to international travelers with the sole purpose of tourism or other non-business related purposes, to explore India.
Prissy Nelson
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