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Why do you need to learn SQL programming language? Importance of SQL databases in several industries!

Jack Dsouja
Why do you need to learn SQL programming language? Importance of SQL databases in several industries!

You can hear a lot of buzz in the technology world about data, but undoubtedly, raw data is not quite useful on its own.


SQL is a popular language that allows communication among the databases so that all the data can be managed in an organized manner. Structured Query Language is now preferred by almost every business, irrespective of the business valuation. Businesses manage their data using databases, which has given rise to the demand of database administration experts. Hence, due to the ongoing demand of database administration experts in the future, opting for a career in the database world, particularly as an SQL developer can be undoubtedly lucrative.


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As we all know that data is the core of web applications as well as mobile applications. For instance, the Facebook application holds the profile information of a user, which includes data about their posts and friends. A database system is required for holding this data. SQL programming language enables programmers to work with those data.


With an application that can be programmed in a language like PHP, Python or Ruby, databases are usually not configured for understanding this. Databases only understand SQL, and due to this, it has become important for a web developer or app developer to learn SQL.


SQL has its own markup just like any other programming language, which makes it necessary for a programmer to undergo SQL markup courses for easy application in real-time projects. The concept of the table is also another unique feature of database programming. The database can be presented in the form of tables, and each of the tables comprises rows and columns to represent a set of the database.


Industries that use SQL programming


Databases and SQL are usually used in the technology field where a significant amount of data is involved. Let's have a look at the industries where SQL is used commonly:


When it comes to the finance industry, payment processors and banking applications operate data about the financial transactions as well as the users. These processes made use of a complicated database. Bank database systems need extra security that generally called for the highest risk level compliance in the SQL code that is used.


Music applications make intensive use of databases, and it includes Pandora and Spotify. The database actually helps these applications to store huge libraries of album design by various artists and music files. Databases operate the data to find out what the user is actually looking forward to as well as store the data for them and their preferences etc.


Social media platforms undoubtedly involve a huge amount of data processing, and applications like Snapchat and Instagram make use of SQL to store the profile information of users like location and bio in order to update the database of the application when users create new shares, post pictures as well as to record messages that are sent from one user to another. This helps the user to retrieve the messages again later on when required.


SQL programming is used to drive databases - from the applications on your computer to the social networking platforms on your mobile phone. This software is used for running various versions of SQL. With universal applicability, you can understand the reason behind database programming language considered as such a useful tool in your tool belt.


The database system is known for being a program that enables the developer to work with a database along with the user interface. Database systems have ready build-in templates and constructors.


These tools actually make the life of the database programs quite easier as they can automate the common tasks like the meaning of the database system, etc.


Let's explore the common SQL database systems which are based on DB-Engines popularity scores. The following variables are taken into account by the ranking system:


  • The job offers mentioned in the system
  • Relevance in social networking platforms
  • Profile numbers in the professional network in the mentioned system
  • The frequency of the technical discussions of the system
  • Search frequency or general interest in the Google trends in the mentioned system
  • Number of mentions on the website of the system, measured in the form of resulting number in the search engine queries


Oracle database

Oracle is known for being the leading SQL database system in the whole world and is used in several industries. It is particularly popular in the data warehousing as well as online transaction processing.

Microsoft SQL server

The SQL Server is known for being the best of the Microsoft SQL database management system, and this database actually runs on almost every version of the Windows operating system. It is a preferable choice in consumer software and web servers that are based on Windows. It comes with a huge user database.


The open-source database system is available free of cost to businesses and domestic users. It is quite popular with startups and small businesses as there is no requirement for the license. The feature of being an open-source model makes it usable in several open-source software applications and programs.


POSTGRESQL is another major competitor of MySQL; this is an open-source and free database system. The technology startups widely use it for the free licensing model it offers. Moreover, it supports major operating systems like windows Mac OS and Linux. It puts a huge emphasis on standard SQL syntax in comparison to other databases. Usually, the other databases which include SQL server modify the SQL standard greatly, making them really difficult to learn

Selecting a database can seem to be a challenging task given that you have several choices.

You can approach RemoteDBA.com to know more about the use of SQL programming and how you can put it into effective uses for your business house. The experts at RemoteDBA.com can guide you in making the best possible selection that can help you to generate the best outcome with minimal input.

Jack Dsouja
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