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SQL Server Training, Consulting, and Support Services

SQL Server Training, Consulting, and Support Services
Kutech was founded as a composite of our previous brands to bring all SQL Server facets under one roof. We now offer Training, SQL Server Support Services, and Consultancy all under the one brand with an emphasis on our unparalleled Microsoft SQL Server expertise but also offering Power BI, PowerShell, Docker and more in order to give you even more rounded support than ever before.

Why Choose Us:

  • Support Services
  • Training Courses
  • Consultancy
  • Interview
We aim to be your one stop shop for all things SQL Server through our Support and Training services to suit all budgets and requirements.

Remote DBA - Database Administration: @ SpiceWorks - Wylie Blanchard

We are a small outfit specialising in providing a personal service to all our clients. We can be relied upon to carry out company critical BAU, releasing existing resource for project work. Likewise we are more than happy being your sole company DBA or SQL Server Remote DBA ,albeit remote, with full team integration through a dedicated resource providing the attention your firm needs
For more information, visit our website:- https://kutech.co.uk/
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