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Supreme Court on Delhi Air Pollution: Finally, Supreme Court Awoke! Warned 3 Northern States On Stubble Burning

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Supreme Court on Delhi Air Pollution: Finally, Supreme Court Awoke! Warned 3 Northern States On Stubble Burning

On Monday, the court warned the governments of Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh to stop stubble burning.

The SC has said in the strict words that the entire administration including the police, secretary, sarpanch, etc.

would be held responsible if another instance of stubble burning takes place in these states.

We are losing precious years of our lives… It is writ large that various State governments, civic bodies have failed to discharge their liabilities.

It is time to fix liability… This is a shocking state of affairs,” the frustrated Bench of Justices Arun Mishra and Deepak Gupta asserted.

Justice Mishra said, “Who is responsible for stubble burning?

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