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How Would I follow the 1500 Calorie Diet Plan Indian Food?

Charles Smith
How Would I follow the 1500 Calorie Diet Plan Indian Food?

The best Indian diet for weight loss is a combination of the five major food categories: fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, fats and oils, and meat and dairy products.  Knowing up the food groups, allocate portion sizes, and the ideal time to eat is important.

A lot can be taken into consideration what goes into an ideal diet chart, though one’s nutritional requirement varies based on various factors. It could change depending upon gender, for example, male dietary requirement very from that of a female. So we have here rounded up 1500 calorie diet plan Indian food needs to be taken and should be followed by an individual without consulting with a nutritionist.

Day-Wise Chart for 1500 Calorie Diet Plan Indian Food

Day 1:

  • Breakfast:cucumber water, have oats porridge, and mixed nuts
  • At lunchtime, have roti with dal and gajar-matar sabzi follow up with dal and lauki sabzi to go with a roti for dinner.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: Mixed vegetable stuffed roti with curd
  • Lunch: Rice with lentil curry
  • Dinner: Sautéed vegetables and green chutney.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: Multigrain Toast and skimmed yogurt
  • Lunch: Sautéed vegetables with paneer and some green chutney
  • Dinner: 1 Katori rice and some lentil curry

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: Fruits and nuts, Egg Omelets
  • Lunch: Moong dal, Bhindi Sabzi, and Roti
  • Dinner: Steamed rice and Palak Chole

Day 5:

  • Breakfast: Glass of skimmed milk and peas poha
  • Lunch: Missy roti with low fat paneer curry
  • Dinner: Roti, curd, and aloo baingan-tomato sabzi

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: Idli with Sambar
  • Lunch: Roti with curd and Aloo baingan sabzi
  • Dinner: Green gram with roti and Bhindi sabzi

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: Besan chilla and green garlic chutney
  • Lunch: Steamed rice and Palak Chole
  • Dinner: Low fat paneer and roti

While following up these 1500 calorie diet plan Indian food, make sure they are balanced, in order to receive all the required nutrients. Hope you find it helpful!

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Charles Smith
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