To determine whether a database needs to be repaired,
'DB-NAME'- Name of your database
If this shows no errors then the database doesnt need to be repaired.
But if you get and errors aying: "Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE"
Then the database is corrupted.
Run the CMD Command as:

Microsoft SQL database optimization is a constant struggle for any project, and this is something that Apriorit tackles often as an R outsourcing company.
The thing is, when developing an application, initially engineers tend to point all their attention towards actually writing the code, while performance takes the back seat.
Often, performance problems are caused by the speed at which the data from the application is received.
Some problems can creep past the MVP stage and only became apparent when your solution is fully released to the general public.This is why it is necessary to estimate what problems could occur and try to fix them early at the design stage, or at the very least when optimizing the database query.In this article, we will look at techniques for Microsoft SQL server database design and optimization.
We will explore how to work with databases in order to get the maximum amount of information for the least amount of time and see what problems we can avoid by applying optimization best practices for SQL server database design.
While this article is based on designing database solutions for Microsoft SQL server, the majority of techniques can be applied to other relational databases as well, including custom ones.Database optimization methods1.

SQL Database MDF or NDF files can be corrupted due to several reasons like virus attack, hardware failure or software malfunctioning. Even with having large number of programs for SQL database restoration, SQL Database Recovery software has something different that you cannot find in any other software and that is important for you. If you restore SQL Database manually, it will take more time and it is very complex method to go. Hence, choosing SQL Database Repair is a best bet for recovery and repair of SQL Database files in a hassle free and easy way. Even a non-tech user can use this software as its GUI is very much user-friendly. Next best part of this tool is that you can recover and restore all the corrupt database files, despite the scenario. There is no need to investigate root cause of corruption. Company offering Free trial version of SQL Database Recovery software, Free version is integrated with full features rather than to save recover data. Website Link - http://www.recoverfilesdownload.com/sql-database-recovery.html

SQL execution tuning is an unending battle.
Find Slow Queries With SQL DMVs
One of the enormous features of SQL Server is most of the dynamic organization sees (DMVs) that are fused with it.
SELECT TOP 10 SUBSTRING(qt.TEXT, (qs.statement_start_offset/2)+1,
Right when - 1 THEN DATALENGTH(qt.TEXT)
Demand BY qs.total_logical_reads DESC - real examines

There are various precautions you may take but detecting it at an early stage and then resolving it, is the best way to go.
If you are a user or even an administrator then your life is not that easy every time.
The only way is to understand reasons, causes, precautions you may take and the solutions that can help you resolving SQL database page level corruption.
Reasons Of SQL Server Page Level Corruption
SQL database stores its data in pages so the basic unit of storage is a page in SQL database server.
Because it is simple and quite easy to fix SQL database corruption issues by repairing individual pages.