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How to Read a California Accident Police Report

Justin Farahi
How to Read a California Accident Police Report



When you get in a California car accident one of the first steps to take is notifying the police and other emergency services of the collision for them to be able to file a police report on the matter. According to the California code section 20008 any party involved in a vehicular accident that resulted in injury, death must report it to either the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or the police within 24 hours of the accident, although it is common that the officer that responds to your emergency call right after the accident will be able to file the report for the affected parties.

While the report is most of the time not admissible as proof of liability in a court of law it can help your personal injury attorney do a preliminary review of your case and reconstruct the accident from the data described in the report. Just as well, your insurance company will require the traffic collision report to proceed with the insurance claims.

As one of the prime personal injury law firms in Southern California, we feel that is our duty to inform you what goes into the whole process of getting the police report as well as knowing how to read it. While it might look like this kind of form is only reserved for lawyers and insurance adjusters, knowing how it works and what goes into it will help you understand the process of your case better.

Justin Farahi
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