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How does Nextdoor work?

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How does Nextdoor work?

In 2008, Nextdoor was founded by Nirav Tolia, Sarah Leary, Prakash Janakiraman, and David Wiesen. The company was long-drawn-out of Benchmark, one of the world’s leading venture capital firms, and was responsible for investments in Snapchat, Uber, WeWork amongst many other startups.

It all started long back even before the company was founded. In 1999, Tolia along with four others, co-founded Epinions, a website that reviewed customer products. Epinions went on to merge with Dealtime, a price comparison site. These two companies went public in 2004 under the joint company name, Shopping.com. It became one of the most successful IPOs of the year by making a total valuation of more than $750 million. Although there were many complications in the life of Nirav Tolia yet three years later, he came up with the creation of Nextdoor. After a year of beta testing, Nextdoor services were finally launched in 2011 with 175 neighborhoods from 26 states already registered on the platform. Soon, the company became an immediate success. Just after 3 years, Nextdoor had 22,500 neighborhoods connected on the platform.

Nextdoor- The present

Today, Nextdoor has successfully connected neighborhoods from 11 countries across the globe. The company now counts more than 25 million active monthly users, resulting in the growth of its revenue at a faster rate. Despite various tragedies in the life of its founder, the company continued to grow in various countries including the United States, Canada, Germany, etc.

In 2020, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic came up as an opportunity for the company for its rapid growth. As the people started taking shelter at their homes, Nextdoor became the only way to connect with neighbors nearby. The platform helped people to help their neighbors with shelter activities and other basic needs. To help people further with the app and use their needs as an opportunity for growth, the company added a new feature called “The Help Map”. This feature allowed users to identify their neighbors in need. Furthermore, the company partnered with Walmart to assist those in need with essential items.


Read more : https://www.ncrypted.net/blog/how-does-nextdoor-work/

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