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How to maintain the good communication in workplace

Stella Van Lane
How to maintain the good communication in workplace

Business owners recently started paying more and more attention to one of the essential aspects of business success- communication. Unfortunately, a lot of managers still don’t see why communication is so important. However, we can agree that in large, team-oriented teams, exchanging information and ideas is vital for the work process. But is everyone willing to cooperate and maintain effective workplace communication?

Since different types of people exist in business and real-life, coming up with a compromise is crucial. To maintain good workplace communication, focus on people working in your team. Check out these 6 additional tips that can help you combat problems and obstacles every workplace faces!

Team meetings are essential

The way your team gets together can greatly affect their work. Since they are stuck at the same workplace for 8 hours during the day, team members need to focus on achieving the same goal. That's why having a shared vision and mission within a team is important. To achieve that, organize team meetings from time to time.

Choose a setting that suits you and your team the best. Some prefer to have a short formal meeting, while the others find an informal setting more fruitful. No matter the option you opt for, ensure to create a team bond that will improve the performance and boost productivity!

Use modern technologies

Whether you are working in tech or hospitality management industries, the effectiveness of your team relies on the good software choices. From the tools you use for internal communications to operational tools, good apps can ease internal communications and save you time and money.


Compatible teams are the ones that are focused on the same goals. That means that if you are not leading a big enterprise, the best practice for small and medium businesses is to outsource the processes that are not their core business. Outsourcing IT support or using outbound call centers for sales has proven even more effective than hiring internal staff. That way, all parts of your team work together.

Deal with toxicity

Whether we’d like to admit it, or not, workplace toxicity can be present everywhere from time to time. Even though one of the best ways to prevent that is simply not hiring toxic employees, you can’t predict everything! Therefore, it’s advised to deal with toxicity as it occurs. So, what are some steps you can take to deal with it and prevent it?

Firstly, having a rule book that regulates such behavior is highly advised. Also, you can use some tools to strengthen and boost your leadership skills and also boost your tech professionals's soft skills. Strong leaders who disapprove of toxic behavior have more success in controlling it. On top of that, leading by example is quite important. So, don’t indulge in gossiping, ignoring, yelling, and similar!

Be clear, concise, and honest

The main traits of good and effective communication are clear messages and points communicators send across. Considering that, your goal should always be to send a short, yet clear message, whether you're communicating face to face, over the phone, or through emails. Sadly, not many people know how to get to the point when communicating, so, here are a couple of tips that can help you improve that skill.

Ensure you know what you want to tell your associates, employees, or other recipients. Build your message around that. Also, try to use the least amount of jargon possible. When assigning tasks, explain what you expect from them and how should the end result look like. Finally, be there to listen. Sometimes your requests aren’t realistic or possible!

Provide frequent feedback

To create a healthy company culture and maintain effective communication, organizing one on one meetings and web conferences is vital for the employees, especially in case they work remotely. During busy everyday life, most team leaders and managers don’t have enough time to provide adequate feedback to the employees. Therefore, creating a setting where feedback is given is crucial.

Do you want to praise the employee for good work? Do you see that they need to improve in certain fields of work? Try to be truthful without causing harm by giving feedback in the workplace! Focus your comments on behavior and actions, and avoid making remarks on their personality. That's how you'll keep things civil and professional.

Create group chats

Staying in touch with your team is crucial no matter where you are. Since the start of the pandemic, many businesses shifted to remote work, which caused a lot of team members to drift apart. Whether you work from the office or practice work from home, you need to communicate with team members to maintain a good work atmosphere and productivity. What is advised to do?

Instead of mailing your colleagues back and forth, or ringing them at inappropriate times, implement engagement platforms that are easy to use. A website that keeps your front-line workers informed as well as provides a safe space to talk, share information and data is extremely useful for any business. Such all-in-one platforms bond your team and provide you with valuable statistics you can use to improve your business.

Mind your nonverbal communication

When talking face to face or over a video call with someone, besides your words, they interpret your body language. No matter what you’re saying, if your nonverbal communication doesn’t match the verbal one, you’ll decrease the trust between you! So, how can you improve the way you nonverbally communicate?

If you want to appear friendly and approachable, try not to frown. Relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw, and smile. Similarly, don't cross your arms and don't lean backward when someone is speaking to you. These are only some of the tips you can use to improve your nonverbal communication. If you want to work on it further, consider communication training.

Final thoughts

Maintaining good and effective communication at the workplace isn't easy. These tips can help you give it your best shot. Unfortunately, you can't expect everything to go as smooth as a butter. Since different people have different opinions, you'll face conflicts and unpleasant situations from time to time. The important thing is to know how to solve them. Use the given advice and create a healthy workplace environment!

Stella Van Lane
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