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Nidhi Company Registration Fees and What are the Documents Required

One Click Business Solutions
Nidhi Company Registration Fees and What are the Documents Required

A Nidhi company is an part of Non-Banking Financial Company and its main functions is to borrow and lend money to among its only members. As the Nidhi Limited Company Registration process is extremely simple and easy, many prefer it to venture into the financial business sector. Although there are some rules and regulations must be followed if people are intended to run the same legibly.

Nidhi Company Registration Requirement

Although registration procedure of a Nidhi company is easy yet, support from a professional is recommended for filing difficult forms within proper deadline. It may seem difficult to understand government portals and terms therein too. Let us know the steps of Nidhi company incorporation process.

  • KYC of all the Directors and Shareholders
  • Digital Signature
  • Approval of Name
  • Documentation
  • Final Incorporation (MoA and AoA)
  • PAN and TAN

Documents Required of Nidhi Company Registration :- Mainly documents required for nidhi company registration which are following.

  1. Pan Card
  2. ID Proof
  3. Bank Statement
  4. Passport Size Photo
  5. Registered Office Proof

Frequently Asked Questions about the Work of Nidhi Limited Company

1. How to become a member of Nidhi Company?

Anyone who is above 18 years of age can apply for Nidhi Company membership. She/he must furnish valid age proof as well as Identity and address proof at the time of application.

2. Can anyone apply for Nidhi Company Membership as a Minor?

Although a minor is not eligible to get membership in Nidhi Company, they can deposit money under certain condition. One member of the Nidhi must be the legal or natural guardian of the minor. Only then the company can accept deposits under the minor’s name.



3. How a member can apply for loan in the Nidhi Company ?

A member must deposit or provide some collaterals like immovable property, Gold or silver jewellery and any other kinds of financial securities to apply for loan.

4. Are the deposits of the members are safe in Nidhi Company ?

The Ministry and Corporate Affairs and Reserve Bank of India have set some strict rules and guidelines to protect and ensure safety the deposits. All Nidhi Company must comply with those regulations. Hence, the member’s deposits are completely safe and secure.

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