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Java Programming Interview Questions | MeritTrac

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Java Programming Interview Questions | MeritTrac

Java is an object-oriented, class-based programming language that is used for developing applications. It was developed by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan and their green team for Sun Microsystems in 1995. Java was then acquired by Oracle Corporation. The original purpose of developing this language was for digital devices such as televisions and set-top boxes.Java interview questions for assessing the skills of candidates.

Currently, the applications created by Java programming language are not just for digital devices, but a host of other services too. Java applications are used in banking, retail, stock market, big data analytics, financial services, information technology, android development and scientific research. Organisations are continually on the lookout for skilled Java programmers for building effective and efficient tools and applications.

Java programming/coding interview questions helps hire suitable candidates for programming job roles. Know more about MeritTrac platforms for java developer assessment. Contact Now!

Get in touch: +91 7541867385, info@merittrac.com


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