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5 Top E commerce Websites Our Shopify Developers Have Built

5 Top E commerce Websites Our Shopify Developers Have Built

In the current digital world, ecommerce websites have enabled companies to have a huge customer base. Customers can easily communicate online using devices they already own. There is a range of easily accessible eCommerce platforms in the market. 

Among the various e-commerce platforms available, Shopify is the first term that most businesses think of when looking for the best eCommerce Platform. It has been a widely accepted eCommerce platform right now because it’s easy to use and has reaping features. 

Shopify is a well-known eCommerce platform that has everything you want for your eCommerce store. Tesla, Nescafe, and Redbull are some of the most successful best Shopify stores today.

Its reliable eCommerce framework is a powerful package for your eCommerce website, allowing you to quickly create different pages with an inbuilt editor, sell in different locations via the integration of local language support, and customise online stores. 

Here we have listed some of the best Shopify website examples that we have developed. 

1. The Dog Bakery

The Dog Bakery provides delicious baked dog food and treats for dogs all over the world. It is located in Los Angeles Farmers Market, Venice, and Old Town Pasadena. 

It’s a pet food store which focuses on delivering high-quality dog foods in the US. The client opted to create the website more insightful by designing and attaching more in-depth product information. Furthermore, the website should keep the visual appeal of the user experience. 

This can be beautifully illustrated through the fantastic characteristics of Shopify. We have built the website with the motive of making it a visual treat for all pet lovers. Hence, Shopify has considered being an excellent platform for creating beautiful pet online food stores. It merely needs beautiful themes and an easy-to-manage backend for efficient product management.

Our Shopify developers have offered cutting-edge solutions with enticing landing pages of all the products or recipes. All the ingredients and details are mentioned to educate the pet lovers with accuracy. 

Read more about it here

2. Bakslap

A Shopify based website of a leading Australian back & body lotion applicator manufacturer. Bakslap is a noble initiative that assists melanoma patients in reaching difficult areas such as the back. The client desired to reach a large audience, so he requested that the products be made accessible online.

After addressing the client’s requirements, the team held a brainstorming discussion and found the solution to build the ecommerce section in Shopify. The original site’s design layout was supposed to be retained. We created the ecommerce component of the website and incorporated it with their existing one.

Now, they are having a good online store response. Shopify has been proved the right choice for their business to accelerate. Our Shopify experts have transformed the website look and feel into a user-friendly experience. 

Read its case study here

3. Nieboo

Nieboo is a family run UK based ecommerce store selling men’s and women’s essentials. The client used to market men’s and women’s personal care products. He wanted to reach a broader audience and add multi-currency support. He also wished to improve the website’s usability and boost traffic. 

We assisted the client with Shopify design and development, and also digital marketing services. We incorporated multi-currency support and updated the website’s user navigation and layout. Our digital marketing team has accelerated the organic traffic with best-suited SEO strategies.


PESHCE is a woman-owned and operated Turkish products manufacturer. Her goal is to reach a worldwide audience through her website. Our skilled developers migrated the old WordPress website to Shopify to transform it into an ecommerce website. 

We modified Shopify’s website design and created custom functionality based on the client’s wishes. Today, she is running a business with a great online global presence. With the advanced and feature-rich Shopify website.

5. Sydney Tea

Sydney Tea is the maker of the finest loose leaf tea company in Sydney, Australia. We have developed the Sydney Tea website on the Shopify platform. Our expert Shopify developers have built and maintained it since 2018. 

The client has been regularly in contact with us to improvise a few features. We have made the required changes according to the client’s needs to get a better customer experience.

Our Shopify team has made many updations to the website such as multi-currency features, chat box, subscriptions, etc. 

The Key Takeaways

If you want versatility, affordability, technical assistance, and the best user experience for your customers, Shopify is an obvious choice for starting your own eCommerce store.

Shopify can prove to be the best decision for building your business’s online presence. And our experts can serve you with your requirements for that. Remember, you’re only a few clicks away from creating your dream store. 

Contact us to make your business stand out! 

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