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Does Anti-ageing facial treatment work?

Skinworks Clinic
Does Anti-ageing facial treatment work?

Anti-ageing facial treatment addresses skin issues that develop because of age and other environmental factors. These facials form a part of the anti-ageing routine that one must follow to keep the skin looking young and hydrated. They include preventative and systemic treatments along with professional procedures.


Why we need an anti-ageing facial treatment


To repair the damage done to the skin by ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation is responsible for 80% of harm done to the skin, and this accumulated sun damage causes free radicals to damage skin cells due to oxidative stress. Dark spots, reduced skin elasticity and wrinkles are just some of the effects that start to show on the skin.


How these facial treatments help


Anti-ageing facial treatment includes active ingredients that help restore the lost volume and elasticity of the skin. They add moisture to the skin, exfoliate dead skin cell buildup and rejuvenate the skin, thus improving its health. Anti-ageing facials are a non-invasive treatment to prevent or reduce wrinkles and fine lines and wrinkles. These facials are an effective way to tighten skin and lighten pigmentation.


Types of anti-ageing facial treatments


There are several anti-ageing facials one can choose from depending on their formulations. Some facial treatments use collagen creams, vitamin-infused serums, and rejuvenating massage techniques. Some anti-ageing facial treatments also include solutions such as laser skin treatments, microdermabrasion and light therapy.




Anti-ageing facial treatment nourishes and replenishes the skin, improves its elasticity and reduces signs of ageing. Some other benefits are:

·        Exfoliation

All facials provide standard exfoliation but with this facial, the effects run deeper into the skin. It removes dirt, dead skin cells and excess oils, giving a fresher, cleaner and younger skin.

  • Rejuvenation

These facial treatments increase blood circulation, improving the skin tone and texture to make it smoother and younger.

  • Improves skin health

Vital vitamins like vitamin C and antioxidants benefits the skin through these facial treatments. They help in restoring a healthy complexion.

Skinworks Clinic
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