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Why Does My Skin Needs IPL Super Hair Removal?

Skinworks Clinic

Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing unwanted body hair? These methods can be time-consuming, troublesome, and may not provide long-term results. They can even harm your skin with regular use. If you're looking for a more advanced and effective solution, consider IPL Super Hair Removal. It offers a better alternative to get rid of unwanted body hair with long-lasting results and without the risks associated with traditional methods.


IPL technology is a non-ablative, non-invasive laser that applies visible light in high-intensity pulses. When used in Super Hair Removal (SHR), it helps reduce hair’s appearance on the body quickly, painlessly, and easily.


In regular IPL, one pulse of high-intensity light is delivered at a time, and the operator keeps the handpiece still until the next area is targeted for another shot. IPL Super Hair Removal also allows for this method, but it offers an additional option: firing two to eight shots per second in low-energy mode. This allows the operator to move the handpiece around instead of keeping it stationary, providing more flexibility and efficiency during treatment.


More effective results


IPL SHR delivers the same amount of energy as traditional IPL but in a safer and more comfortable way. Plus, it may ensure better results. That’s because Super Hair Removal technology uses only 50% of the melanin path to penetrate the skin down to the hair follicles. Hair also contains melanin and stem cell tissues, and these are heated with lower energy at a slower pace over an extended period but with a comfortable temperature of around 45 degrees Celsius. Some hairs are naturally finer and lighter, but IPL SHR can treat them more effectively.


More comfortable than IPL


Most people compare the feeling of IPL to being flicked by a rubber band. However, IPL Super Hair Removal feels like a hot stone massage, making it more comfortable. Plus, it doesn’t cause ingrown hairs.


Better value for your time and money


Think about the expenses related to shaving, plucking, waxing, and other traditional hair removal techniques. They cannot compare with the value of IPL SHR because it reduces hair regrowth. That said, consider booking the service at least once a year to maintain the results after your first treatment.


Try IPL SHR now!


Learn more about IPL Super Hair Removal by booking a consultation with the experts at Skinworks Clinic. They will customise the hair removal treatment to suit your individual requirements.


About the author:


Skinworks Clinic, situated on Dominion Road in Mt Eden, is a comprehensive salon founded by Sangita Devi. Our expert staff offers personalised treatments to meet all your skin requirements, including facials, body treatments, massage therapy, and aesthetics. Discover premium skincare products and cutting-edge cosmeceutical equipment on our website for more information.

Skinworks Clinic
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