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7 Beauty Treatments That Are Worth the Money

Skinworks Clinic

Beauty treatments can be costly, but that doesn’t mean you should skip them. The best ones are certainly worth every dollar as long as you have them done by a trustworthy dermatologist and skin clinic. Not sure which types of facial treatments are right for you? Here are seven treatments to try if you want to invest in yourself.




Anti-ageing facial treatment is popular in Auckland. As you age, your skin’s collagen production naturally decreases, making you more prone to saggy skin and wrinkles. Other factors such as your diet, medications, and lifestyle also play a role. A dermatologist can tailor an anti-ageing regimen to your skin’s condition. Supplements may also be prescribed to complement your treatments.


Acne scar treatment


Both teens and adults can develop acne, which may leave unwanted scars. If the scars bother you, a skin clinic can make them fade or less visible.




Facial treatment with advanced technologies can work wonders on a range of skin issues, such as wrinkles, fine lines, stretch marks, acne scars, redness, pigmentation, hair loss, and enlarged pores. Reputable skin clinics use Dermapen 4 for micro-needling to effectively target those issues safely and quickly, with optimal results.


Pigmentation removal


Constant and too much sun exposure can cause dark spots and patches on your skin. Pigmentation can also be triggered by hormonal changes, harsh chemicals in skincare products, and some medications. Consider seeking proper facial treatment in Auckland to address the issue promptly and cost-effectively.


Hair removal


Hair removal treatments are more effective with technologies like IPL Super Hair Removal and DermaPlaning. These solutions eliminate the need to keep shaving, plucking, or waxing unwanted facial or body hair.


Treatment for rosacea and redness


Skin redness can occur when your capillaries remain open because of genetics, harsh chemicals, environmental changes, lifestyle, or medication. IPL facial treatment may improve the symptoms on your cheeks, forehead, nose, or anywhere redness occurs.


LED light therapy


Reputable skin clinics offer advanced facial treatment in Auckland using LED light therapy, which triggers your skin’s natural repair and healing processes while killing acne-causing bacteria and rejuvenating damaged cells. It may reverse uneven skin tone, stimulate collagen production, and enhance tissue repair for an improved and rejuvenated appearance.


About the Company:


This article is written by Skinworks Clinic. Skinworks Clinic is a full-service salon situated on Dominion Road in Mt Eden. It was founded by Sangita Devi, who has over 14 years of experience in skin therapy. This clinic has trained experts who offer exceptional skin treatment. They use the latest technology to leave you with fresh and rejuvenated skin. Their commitment to quality services and competitive pricing will give you the ultimate satisfaction.

Skinworks Clinic
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