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How is Microneedling the Next Big Thing in Skin Care?

Skinworks Clinic

Microneedling has skyrocketed in popularitybecause it can be used to treat various skin concernseffectively. If you're looking for a skin clinic offering microneedling in Auckland, you are likely to have questions about this treatment and want to know what to expect. Here are all the basics you need to know about microneedling—including why it might just become the next big thing in skin care.


What is microneedling?


Microneedling is a minimally-invasive cosmetic procedure that can be used for skin regeneration and treatment of various skin conditions such as scarring, wrinkles, and stretch marks. It’s considerably cheaper than other rejuvenating treatments, such as resurfacing lasers and is effective at promoting collagen growth.




Microneedling is a process that can take up to an hour, usually done with a numbing cream to minimise discomfort. Skin care products that encourage cell regeneration and skin healing, like retinoid creams or vitamin C, should be used on the area beforehand for best results.


The procedure uses a device fitted with microneedles as small as 0.1mm in diameter to create hundreds of micro-punctures through the skin. This causes minimal damage to the upper epidermal layer. This injury and associated bleeding together trigger a “wound-healing” response from the skin resulting in increased collagen and elastin production.




Patients can expect to experience pinpoint bleeding, redness, and minor discomfort after the procedure. They may also experience mild swelling and persistent redness for a few days. Fortunately, complications like skin infections, cold sores, inflamed pigmentation, and aggravation of skin diseases are rare. It’s important to follow post-procedure instructions carefully, which will likely include avoiding direct sunlight and strenuous activities, as well as avoiding makeup and other products on the skin for at least 24 hours.




In most cases, multiple treatments over a prolonged period produce the best results. That said, some patients see a subtle improvement after only one treatment. The right choice of collagen induction therapy depends on many factors, such as the severity of the skin condition, other existing complaints, skin type, budget, and lifestyle constraints.


It is crucial to choose a reliable and experienced skin clinic that offers microneedling in Auckland to ensure that you get the best possible results. They will be able to assess your case and recommend a course of treatment that is best suited to you.


About the Company:

This article is written by Skinworks Clinic. Skinworks Clinic is a full-service salon situated on Dominion Road in Mt Eden. It was founded by Sangita Devi, who has over 14 years of experience in skin therapy. This clinic has trained experts who offer exceptional skin treatment. They use the latest technology to leave you with fresh and rejuvenated skin. Their commitment to quality services and competitive pricing will give you the ultimate satisfaction.

Skinworks Clinic
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