Spending millions of dollars on pay per click campaigns will not pay off unless your website receives maximum traffic. Retargeting your abandoned visitors will also not pay off unless you are a major brand. In the sense that you get a second chance with your visitors before they leave your site, onsite retargeting differs from traditional PPC-based "offsite" retargeting. Onsite retargeting entails monitoring your visitors' behaviour, and if their behaviour indicates that they are about to leave your site, you can retarget them with a secondary message right away!
Ways To Boost Your PPC Outcomes Using Onsite Retargeting
- Enhance your user experience by displaying a message at just the right time. It will be displayed when a visitor has finished reading and is about to leave your website. You can also display relevant messages to them.
- Improve metrics like time spent on site, bounce rate, and number of pages visited to boost your PPC quality score.
- Using onsite retargeting, you can target multiple customer segments. Visitors in the advanced stages of considering purchasing your products can be targeted with sales messages. You can supplement a primary message with onsite retargeting campaigns that target your early-stage visitors.
- Create an email list because it is still one of the most effective forms of online marketing. Using onsite retargeting, ask for people's email addresses and then retarget these visitors via email marketing.
- Recover abandoned carts to increase sales by providing an incentive to complete the checkout process.
- Promote your best deals for immediate conversion.
- Personalize your messages so that they are as relevant to each visitor as possible.