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Don't Avoid Knee Ligament Injuries

Gupta Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Injury Centre

Ligament Tear: Our knee bones and cartilage are connected by ligaments, which are strong bands of elastic tissue. However, strains or trauma can cause ligaments to be stretched or pulled down. A quick fall from a higher level or a severe accident might induce these ligament rips, but it takes a very strong force to do so. The most frequent locations for ligament tears in humans are our knee, wrist, and ankle.

Many best arthroscopy surgeon in Indore suggests arthroscopy surgery for ligament tears.

Types of Ligament Tears in Knee

Our knee joints frequently sustain 4 different forms of ligament injuries, and each of these ailments is ranked according to its seriousness.

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament): This ligament is located in the middle and aids in mobility. An injury to this ligament is brought on by rapid strain and results in a popping sound and excruciating pain in the knee. Women are more likely to suffer from this injury than men, especially athletes.

PCL (posterior cruciate ligament): Only about 20% of knee ligament injuries are PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) tears, an uncommon type of ligament damage. This injury sometimes occurs in conjunction with additional ligament injuries, which are frequently observed in athletes like football players.

MCL (medial collateral ligament): The MCL (medial collateral ligament) is a ligament that supports our inside knee. An injury to this ligament results in the worst type of internal pain; a patient with an MCL tear will also have swelling in the immediate joint area.

LCL (lateral collateral ligament): The LCL supports the outside of the knee.

Ligament Tears Treatment

In cases of ligament injuries, one should get prompt medical attention from the top arthroscopy surgeon in Indore; in many instances, a misdiagnosed ligament rupture can result in arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Your doctor will suggest some imaging tests to determine the ligament tear, in case of a minor ligament tear non-invasive methods will work, but in case of a severe tear, surgery may require. The best orthopedic surgeon in Indore would recommend knee arthroscopy surgery for the treatment and management of knee ligament tear.

Gupta Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Injury Centre
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