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Best Ways To Support Your Employees’ Mental Health

Best Ways To Support Your Employees’ Mental Health

One study found that one in every five people in your visual field experiences mental health issues. Is it a big number for you? Problems with mental health are quite real. They are not to be ashamed of, as they affect countless individuals worldwide.

Bringing up concerns about anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues in the workplace has been frowned upon for decades. Fortunately, it is shifting even as we watch, albeit not without many difficulties and inconveniences. Many leaders intend to offer assistance but don’t know how to get started.

Eliminating mental health stigmas in the workplace is the first step in supporting the mental health of your employees. To show appreciation for the people who work for you, you need to imagine a different performance management system.

What Is Employee Mental Health?

The term “employee mental health” is used by the World Health Organization to refer to the whole mental, social, and emotional health of workers. The notion aids in defining how an individual evaluates their surroundings, handles stress and other external influences, and succeeds or fails in the workplace.

The World Health Organization explains that while working can benefit one’s mental health, several circumstances in the workplace might reverse this effect. There should be a concerted effort on the part of employers to create a setting that is beneficial to their workers’ emotional and psychological well-being.

More Info : https://www.getjop.com/blog/best-ways-to-support-your-employees-mental-health  

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