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Here’s how EV Charging Solutions can help you in Attracting and Retaining Employees

Jia Mehra
Here’s how EV Charging Solutions can help you in Attracting and Retaining Employees

If you are heading a business or a company, you might already be aware of how difficult it is to find and retain talent from the field. The job market is extremely competitive and even a single extra perk can convince employees to change jobs. Hence, it is important to put together a package that can truly impress your current and potential employees. Many businesses are now shifting back to in-office operations. In such a case, providing EV charging solutions to your employees at the workplace can prove to be extremely beneficial. 

Importance of EV Charging Solutions at Workplaces 


Gone are the days when employees were the only ones that needed to stand out from the crowd. Today employers need to be impressive as well. Moreover, the pandemic has made it even more difficult for businesses to retain employees. While many companies had to let go of their employees, others had to reconsider their entire structure. However, this also resulted in employees discovering various opportunities both online and offline. Post-pandemic while businesses want to return to full functioning, employees are not very sure about joining the first employer that approaches them.

Hence, it is imperative to take into consideration what employees truly care about and then offer related facilities. The following are some aspects that employees care about and providing the right EV charging solutions can help: 

1.    Daily Commutes 

The pandemic changed lifestyles dramatically. Most people have gotten used to waking up and sitting at their desks without any commute. Thus, fuel costs seem like an added expense now. Add to that the fact that gas prices have also risen by almost 40% in the past year. So when commute becomes a necessity, employees are sure to choose the company that incentivizes their commute in some manner.

You can ease your employees back into commuting by offering the best commercial EV charging station. Moreover, an increasing number of people are now interested in leading sustainable lifestyles, and offering EV charging can help you in enticing those people as well.


2.    Cost and Time-Effective 

Everybody knows that time is money. Businesses can help employees save their money and time by offering EV charging stations that can easily be set up by a company offering commercial EV charging station installation. When you offer these charging services at the workplace your employees wouldn’t have to go out of their way to seek public charging stations.

They can also reduce the cost that is associated with powering the vehicles. Charging at work also gives them an obvious incentive to not skip work days as they can just come for work and then leave with charged vehicles. 

3.    Sustainability 

Don’t make the assumption that your employees aren’t concerned about the environment. A recent study showed that around 83% of employees feel that the company that they work for does not make enough efforts to fight climate change. Moreover if given a chance, around 65% of workers claimed that they would switch companies if they were offered a job by a more sustainable company. 


As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, you need to take into consideration the benefits that outdoor EV charger installation offer and get them installed at the earliest possible. Retaining employees is truly as simple as paying attention to the details. By installing EV charging stations you are not only telling your employees that they are important to your company but also future-proofing your business. 

Jia Mehra
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