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What Is The Purpose Of A Manual Handling Training Course?

Sentrient Pty Ltd
What Is The Purpose Of A Manual Handling Training Course?

Manual handling is defined as any transporting or supporting of weight by hand or bodily force. Manual handling training should be provided to reduce the risks associated with manual handling activities in workplaces. This blog explains what manual handling is and the purpose of manual handling training.

Manual handling training helps employers ensure that their employees are well trained in the principles and practices of safe manual handling. This helps employees and employers understand the risks associated with manual handling and how to avoid or reduce them. Some of the most important purposes of manual handling training includes:

1. Recognise common hazards

Safe manual handling involves safeguarding employees against common hazards. This starts with manual handling training where employees are made aware of some of the hazards they might be dealing with at work and how to avoid them. This also helps at a strategic level and managers can opt to remove unnecessary tasks that involve hazards.

2. Identify roles and responsibilities

Every employee and employer are bound by a set of roles and responsibilities that they need to perform for a business to succeed. Not following these rules can lead to poor results. Manual handling training can help everyone identify and fulfil their roles and responsibilities and ensure a safe and healthy workplace.


Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Control (HIRAC) is a process of hazard management in the workplace. It helps identify common hazards and assess the risks associated with them. This then leads to elimination or reducing these risks. The hazards can be biomechanical and postural, physical environment and workplace design, mechanical, electrical, chemicals and toxicity, biological and human, organisational and procedural arrangements etc. Risk assessment involves determining the likelihood and consequences of a hazard. Risk control involves immediate actions, isolation of hazards, and permanent measures to control risks.

4. Reporting

Deploying a simple and effective manual handling incident reporting structure helps address issues at the workplace quickly and ensures employee safety. The reporting processes can be easily conveyed to employees during manual handling training. At a minimum, employees will understand who to contact to have their concerns and risks addressed efficiently.

5. Compliance

Regulations for manual handling tasks across industries and businesses require organisations to take steps to ensure their employees are educated to perform their tasks. Providing manual handling training at the workplace helps employers fulfil their compliance requirements and avoid non-compliance risks and costs.

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Sentrient Pty Ltd
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