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Types of Disinfectants Available and How to Choose the Right One for Your Facility

21st Century Healthcare Inc.
Types of Disinfectants Available and How to Choose the Right One for Your Facility

Bacteria and microbes are ubiquitous, present in nearly every habitat on Earth. More than 600,000 bacteria1 can be found on only one square inch of human skin. To humans, most germs pose no danger at all. Pathogens are organisms that cause disease, and they can be harmful or even fatal. COVID-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is one of the most contagious and potentially lethal infections in recent history.

Preventing the transmission of infections like COVID, Influenza (flu), and the common cold requires frequently using the appropriate disinfectants on surfaces throughout your institution. There are a wide variety of disinfectants available, so it's crucial to learn about each one's specific application and effectiveness before deciding which one to use to keep your building's residents safe.

What Makes Disinfectants Effective?

Disinfectants are chemical compounds used to rid inanimate things of any microbial growth, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, mould, or mildew. Formulas for surface disinfectants are required to be registered with the EPA (EPA). In most cases, the "active component" in a disinfectant's recipe is what does the actual killing, typically by destroying or disturbing the outer structure of the infection. In most cases, the active component will need help from supplementary substances. One common method of improving the effectiveness of disinfectants is to include surfactants in the formulation.

How to Pick the Right Disinfectant

To find the ideal surface disinfectant for your building, you should give careful thought to the following four factors. The answers to the following questions will provide a guideline for selecting the most appropriate product(s) for your company's needs.


Ask yourself if a disinfectant is effective against the most dangerous bacteria and viruses in your building. You might be quite worried, for instance, about methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The Environmental Protection Agency has recognised certain disinfectants as being effective against this microorganism. It's important to remember that a single disease can have several different strains, and that disinfectants must meet strict standards in order to be authorised for use against certain infections. There will be differences in wants and needs between the hospital, educational, and long-term care sectors.

Waste Time

For a given infection, how quickly does a certain disinfectant product eliminate it? Is it clear whether or not the product Formulas for surface disinfectant for hospital are approved for use against particular infections, and they must remain wet on a surface for the full duration of that period in order to be effective? A typical kill time could be anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. However, if a disinfectant says it needs 10 minutes to work, double check that it will remain moist for that long. Disinfectants containing alcohol may lose efficacy if not applied for the proper amount of time. Please read all usage instructions carefully and re-wet as directed.



Is there no danger to people or surfaces from using this product? The prior sections of this essay taught you that certain types of disinfectants are toxic, while others stain, while still others are acidic, and yet others have an unpleasant odour. Before using a disinfectant, make sure you know how dangerous it is and whether or not you need to wear protective gear. Make sure the disinfectant you choose won't ruin the item you're trying to clean.

21st Century Healthcare Inc.
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