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What is the best way to sell replicas on Facebook?


Usually replicas are counterfeit or knockoffs of original products. They copy the trademarks of other companies (including their names and logos) and have distinctive features similar to their original products.

The replica attracts a greater number of buyers since potential buyers believe that your product is authentic shoes. However, since the replica is not high-quality, the original company may not be able to profit from this. You would also have to list the product lower in order to make a faster sale.

Unlike an original, you need to follow these unique steps to sell replica on Facebook and not get banned:

Set up a fake Facebook account

As the first step in creating an account on Facebook, you will need a VPN and a foreign phone number in order to hide your identity. If you already have an account on Facebook, you will not be detected if you hide your identity.

It is recommended that you engage your account before Facebook's algorithm rolls out. You can engage your account by adding some friends, joining groups, and interacting with others.

In order to gain trust from buyers, your profile must look professional and trustworthy. Online buyers do not trust online sellers, but you can gain trust by setting up your profile professionally. Your timeline must be relevant to the replica items you plan to sell.

Set up your replicas

Your replica must be set up correctly to ensure that they look like the originals. You do not want to download photos from the internet. In this way, a reverse image search will not reveal that your pictures are not authentic. It is best to use simple pictures with a touch of beauty. You can use a plain white background if you do not have a beautiful backdrop. To make your replica look real, you need to hide blemishes as much as possible.

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