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John Thompson
What Is a Bain Marie?

A Bain Marie is a cylindrical container to hold hot water and food. It is used for cooking and baking. Various types of dishes are suited for use with this type of pot. Most of the time, the outer container is stainless steel. In some cases, it is lined with a kitchen towel.

The main purpose of a Bain Marie is to maintain the temperature of food. Therefore, you can store food in a Bain Marie for several hours. This allows the ingredients to remain at a constant temperature without losing their freshness. However, if food is left in a Bain Marie for too long, it can become too hot to eat. So it is best to remove the food from the bain marie as soon as possible.

A Bain Marie may also be known as a double boiler, which refers to its two containers. One of the larger pots is filled with water, while the smaller pot is used for food. When the water in the larger pot is heated, it creates steam. Steam is a gentle heat that helps maintain the food's temperature.

Many commercial food service industries utilize the Bain Marie to hold pre-cooked foods at a desired temperature. It is essential to maintain the proper temperature, as foods stored above 60degC may spoil sooner. Food Standards Australia New Zealand provides guidelines on the storage of foods at a range of temperatures. They include the preparation and display times and the cooling times.

Today, the word "bain marie" refers to several different cooking types of equipment. Although the term can be confusing, it means a pan used for holding water and heating or cooking foods. These devices can be shaped like a cylinder, a bowl, or a box. Some people use them to re-liquefy honey and condensed milk. Another application of the Bain Marie is in creme brulee making.

Using a Bain Marie can be crucial when making custards and other egg-based recipes. Dry heat is only sometimes ideal for these foods, as it can crack and break delicate ingredients. An evenly-heated pan is essential for maintaining the texture and consistency of the dish.

Fortunately, a Bain Marie is an easy-to-use device that makes it easy to cook and reheat many items. To make a recipe in a Bain Marie, begin by filling a larger, deep oven dish with hot water. Next, use a trivet to set the smaller cooking vessel on the bottom. Ideally, it would be best to fill the pot to the halfway mark on the side. After the water is boiling, place the ramekins in the larger dish. Finally, you can transfer the entire container into the oven to finish the cooking process.

Using a Bain Marie can reduce the chance of the dairy or eggs curdling or overcooking. It can also help to prevent the creation of unwanted skin on the food. Additionally, using a Bain Marie helps maintain a consistent temperature, as the dish is held within a pan of hot water.

John Thompson
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