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ICT Business Analyst 261111 English Language Criteria

ICT Business Analyst 261111 English Language Criteria

Are you planning to apply for the occupation of ICT Business Analyst 261111? If yes, then read this article. Here, we will tell you about the job description, requirements, tasks and the English language eligibility criteria. Having such necessary information will allow you to write your RPL in a way that sounds relevant to this occupation. So, read this whole article.

Job description:

An ICT Business Analyst 261111 identifies and has communication with users to produce and formulate a requirement specification for the creation of system and software solutions.


To work as an ICT business analyst, the primary requirements you need to fulfill:

·       Training and education: A bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, IT or a related area is a must to perform this job. Business Analysis certifications from the Information Systems Examination Board or other authorized authorities are also required. Experience in systems analysis, business or quality assurance will give some advantages.

·       Troubleshooting capabilities: you must be capable of conducting analyses and tests to discover issues in a system and propose solutions to cope with such problems.

·       IT skills: you need to be capable of maintaining, developing and running system software for the fulfillment of your company’s technical requirements.

·       Communication abilities: you must be able to convey technological solutions and requirements to end-users and corporate management.


·       The professional works with users for the documentation and formulation of business requirements.

·       They investigate, identify and analyze business processes, procedures and work practices.

·       These professionals identify and assess inefficiencies and recommend optimal business practices and system functionality and behaviour.

·       They utilize project management methodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and resource, cost and management projects.

·       The professional bears the responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as adopting, creating and implementing system test plans, ensuring acceptable quality and integrity of the system.

·       They create use and training documentation and conduct formal training classes.

·       The specialist develops functional specifications for use by system developers.

·       They utilize data and process modeling techniques to create clear system specifications for the development and design of system software.

·       The professional serves as a central reference and information source, offering support and guidance in the system project decision-making process.

Job description in Australia:

In Australia, the job of an ICT business analysis is to work with users to formulate system requirements, create system plans and documentation, review and assess existing systems and design and modify systems to satisfy users’ business requirements.

English language requirements:

The following are the English language requirements you need to fulfill for an ACS IT skill assessment:

·       You need to have an IELTS result that must with a minimum score of 6 (R, W, L), 7 in speaking and 7 overall;

·       Attain an OET result that is with a minimum B grade in every section;

·       Your TOEFL iBT must be with at least a score (L:12, R:13, W:21, S:23 overall L93);

·       Have a PTE Academic whose minimum score should be 50 (W, R, L), 65 in speaking and 65 overall


·       Australian Graduate exceptions can apply in some states and territories of the country.

·       Priority Skilled Lists may apply a specific requirement in some territories and states.

·       There are some countries that are exempt from the submission of IELTS or OET. These countries are the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland.

In the requirement of mandatory licensing or registration, you need to demonstrate a level of English either fulfilling licensing/registration requirements or at least IELTS, or equivalent, whichever is higher.



If you need more information regarding ICT Business Analyst 261111, contact us without hesitation. 

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