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What is CMDB in ServiceNow ?

What is CMDB in ServiceNow ?

A configuration management database (CMDB) is a database that contains all relevant information about the hardware, IP Components and software components etc. used in an organization's IT services and it also contains the relationships between those components.

So, in this way cmdb in servicenow provides an organized view of configuration data so that the organization gains the full visibility of its infrastructure and services, leading to more control of organization environment and better decisions.

There are some core features of cmdb, which helps to manage and maintain the Configuration data and provides the required information of infrastructure components. Core features of cmdb are:

  • CMDB Health
  • CMDB Identification and Reconciliation
  • CMDB lifecycle Management
  • CMDB baseline 

I will post the separate blog to give an understanding of above core features. But below content will provide required understanding of ServiceNow CMDB.

So Now as we understand that, CI stored in CI classes and Collection of CI classes forms a Configuration Management Database.

So let's see what is CI Class in cmdb, CI relationship in cmdb and how to create the CI Class in cmdb.

What is CI Class in CMDB?

CI class in cmdb is actually a table which extends any other table or extended by any other table. Means a CI class can be parent table if extended by any other table or it can be child table if it extend any other table. for e.g.

let's say if  cmdb_ci (table) is extended by cmdb_ci_hardware (table) and cmdb_ci_hardware (table) is extended by cmdb_ci_hardware_laptop (table)

so above basically laptop table is a child table and hardware table is the parent of laptop table but it is child table of configuration item table. I hope this sentence will clear any doubt if you have. Otherwise you can also comment below for explanation. 😀

What is CI Relationship in ServiceNow?

When two CI's in cmdb have dependency on each other in any way then, we can say that those two CI's have a relationship. In servicenow cmdb there are lots of relationship type, such as cluster of (parent), stored on (child), uses (parent), runs (child) and many others etc.

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