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To Visit Art Galleries or Art Exhibitions

Sarah Thomas

Please do not use these two terms in a similar way. Art Galleries and Art Exhibitions are not the same. Although they are closely related, there is a distinct difference between the two. They do it reciprocally because the terms are closely related to one another in terms of exhibitions. Art gallery is a place where an artist displays his artwork. The size of art galleries vary

1.     Large In-house Studio gallery

2.     Large hall gallery

3.     Multi story gallery

4.     One room gallery

They also differ in techniques like traditional, contemporary and modern etc. Art galleries facilitate in creating a platform between gallery owners, art lovers, investors and individual art collectors to connect with the artists. To choose between the two, one must first know about the kinds of art galleries and art exhibitions. Secondly, one must focus on the purpose of their visit.

Why visit Art Galleries?

People who love to visit art galleries have the following reasons:

1.      People who want to gain knowledge about the art world frequent art gallery to learn.

2.      Some patrons visit to learn more about their favourite artists.

3.      Then there are art lovers, who visit purchase and add to their valuable art collection.

4.      Huge art investors visit to invest in their own art collection or to seek an advice on their investment.

5.      Some people are curious to meet the artist and come to find about the artist or meet in person.

6.      Many people who like art but can’t invest in valuable art work, they come to create memories.

7.      And there are unique pieces of art, which are displayed once in a while, and are not-for-sale or released in an exclusive edition from legendary artists.

8.   The art exhibitions Canberra team at the famous art gallery, Gallery Alchemy located at Milton, NSW says,” Some visit our gallery simply to enjoy their weekend along with their families. We know and have entertained many such people who just want a peaceful time after a hectic week from work”.

These are few of the reasons that people come to visit art galleries for. Art galleries also have a multitude of reasons to display an art work. In a modern mechanized world where everything has software and can be created digitally, every art lover understands the need to preserve a handmade art and the meaning behind it. Marketing purposes or to sell an artwork is also a strategy of art galleries, so that people invest and purchase particular artist’s art work.

Why visit Art Exhibitions?

Moving on to Art Exhibitions, an art exhibition is where an artist and his works can truly shine, enhance and be appreciated. It’s a unique opportunity where one can find various people from art world like gallery owners, art collectors, art enthusiasts and investors. An art exhibition adds to the cultural heritage, ethical and moral values, history and promotional value. An onlooker gets an idea and gains an insight of what the artist wants to convey via his arts and paintings. An image speaks for itself. A lot that cannot be written in words can be displayed in a picture. The essence of life and core values of humanity and mother earth are compelling enough for people to understand the importance of his environment and be thankful to the artist who made such enchanting art work.

An exhibition can be classified according to:

1.      the type

2.      the location

3.      the purpose

4.      the set up

5.      the duration

6.      the promotion

No matter what the classification, the goal is to benefit the public and the artist, both by allowing the common people and investors to visit.

An exhibition can be held in any of the places below:

1.     Art gallery

2.     Public Libraries

3.     Art Museums

4.     Craft and art Fairs

5.     Public exhibition centers

6.     Parks

7.     Open area of malls, etc…

The advantage of art exhibitions being displayed in the public is that it can be seen and understood by everyone. Even a child playing in the park may visit an exhibition. It can kindle their curious mind and help in creating an upcoming talent. Many art collectors also classify it differently. It helps them in differentiating the artwork and chooses what kind of exhibition they want to visit. An exhibition can exhibit any of these items.

1.     Paintings

2.     Modern Art

3.     Contemporary Art

4.     Sculpting

5.     Illustrations

6.     Live performances

7.     Historical artifacts (only for display)

8.     Antiques

9.     Art Prints

10. Immersive Arts and etc.

The art world is huge and these are definitely not all. The type of exhibition will in every way be linked to the artists and his way of creations. Once people understand about the artist and his creations, they decide on the purpose of their exhibition. Apart from these types of art exhibitions there are further different classifications as well.

1.      One person art exhibition refers to the exhibition that displays art work from only one well known and loved artist. The artist is renowned for his work.

2.      Then there are group exhibitions that have a couple of artists who display their art work together.

3.      Art that can be purchased and sold only online

There is more to it. Going to an exhibition or an art gallery is completely on the onlooker who has a purpose and a goal.

The previous article was about various types of art galleries where one will be able to read about the kinds of art galleries found in Australia. As an author who takes interest in Australian art galleries and art exhibitions, I have been talking to the art exhibitions Canberra team at Gallery Alchemy in Milton, NSW. The team provides knowledgeable insights on the kinds of art work they exhibit and various artists who have established themselves as well known artists in contemporary and modern art work in NSW. Art enthusiasts from all over the world visit the gallery for exhibitions that are held on a frequent basis.

About the Author

This article is written by DJ who has been contributing to the articles written on art exhibitions Canberra, Australia. The content is informative to readers and artists in various parts of the world.

Sarah Thomas
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