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Have You Ever Seen a Romantic Landscape Painting?

Sarah Thomas

Nature provides the most powerful and unpredictable enlightenment that has the potential to change the course of time. The landscape has been the subject of painting by artists since ancient times. It attracts an artist the most. The landscape is sublime with its vast scenery and placid farms. The tall standing mountains are an inspiration how life should be led with pride and integrity. Wall paintings depicting landscapes and garden scenes were started by the Greeks and Romans. The tradition of depicting pure landscapes faded after the Roman Empire’s downfall. Later it was only viewed as backgrounds of religious or festive scenes.

Painting has various forms. While painting is categorised into various forms, romantic landscape painting is one among them that landscape loving artists portray in their artwork. An artist captures all of the landscape beauty in his romantic landscape painting, reminding us of how the landscape plays its role ceaselessly to nurture our needs and desire. An artist’s love and his affection for the land that he has grown up watching can be defined as romantic landscape painting.

The romantic landscape genres are categorised into 3 different painting types:

1.     The Pastoral

2.     The Picturesque

3.     The Sublime

There was a romantic era or the romantic period that is stated in the English literature that began in 1798 and lasted almost 50 years. Many artists were influenced by the French revolution due to its strong influence of the political and economic environment during this period. The break from the conventional methods of artistry and paintings were highly influenced. The landscape was viewed as an artistry subject by the artists only after the 18th century. An awe of the nature and the celebration of the existence of an individual was the theme behind the romantic landscape genres. The emotion and the passion and the purity of childhood mesmerised by the Mother Nature was the centre of idea for many artists. The Renaissance’s sparked interest in the natural world appears to have led to an increase in the artistic shift. The meaning of each romantic landscape genre is distinct but interrelated in some aspects.

The Pastoral

In the rural environment, a pastoral painting is a work of art that emphasizes the connection between humans and nature. Typically, this relationship is idyllic and free from the busy urban life focusing on simple things like shepherds and their lively livestock. The romance in this kind of painting is between the nature and the humans who are trying to dominate it while being carefree and happy in their farm work. The cultivated and tended farms with ripe harvests and the abundance of it was often an image of humans dominating the nature. The pastoral romantic landscape paintings also included large manicured lawns, lovely gardens and purposely fattened livestock with their innocent looking little ones standing right after their mothers. Human beings have busily tamed the nature for their necessities and safety and at the same time safeguarding their beauty.

The Picturesque

This is, my friend the undisturbed beauty of the nature that has been there ever since the beginning of life. Humans have not destroyed or are incapable of touching such a beautiful landscape. It all began in the 18th century when travel to distant lands became much easier. Artists loved what is now called the “scenic spots”. The sunset at the horizon, the mountains, the rivers, the valleys and the waterfalls, the deep blue ocean and the wildlife in their natural habitat was an awe to watch. An artist wants to show it to the common people who are unable to watch such scenery. Painting a breathtaking picturesque romantic landscape unspoiled by human intervention when the industrial revolution was at rise was the main goal. Artists drew more and more of these as the nature in scenic spots were under the threat of destruction and urbanisation in that period.

The Sublime

When you see a sublime romantic landscape painting you will know because it causes goose bumps. When nature is at its fiercest and ready to wreck havoc causing destruction everywhere, is what is portrayed in the paintings. It will make your heart skip a beat or race. Human is but a tiny speck when nature takes its turn. A violent behaviour yet sublime when peaceful.

·        The raging rivers look serene when they are calm,

·        Canyons and the cliffs look exciting but there are dangers lurking everywhere,

·        Violent storms show their power of destruction when in action

·        Ferocious wild animals look majestic and graceful in their habitat until they hunt you, just kidding ha-ha!

These and more, all depict the sublime romantic landscape painting. Landscape artists are passionate about the romantic landscape painting and keen on depicting it to people about wide the behaviour of the landscape, nature is.

Australia is one such country that has a wonderful landscape. South Australia’s coastal landscapes are remarkable in their diversity. It’s difficult not to fall in love with it. The coastlines have rocky cliffs, submarine canyons, and sandy beaches with high wave-energy and estuary environments. Tidally dominated coastal areas are made up of mangrove woodlands sand flats. Contemporary painting south coast has become popular recently as many artists and tourists are flocking the south coast of Australia. Charming views of the coastal region can inspire artists to paint a masterpiece worth millions. This era has seen quite a few changes in the contemporary and modern art. Not only contemporary but modern artistry south coast also has a touch of the picturesque beauty inspired by the landscape stills. They have versatile artists creating masterpieces in romantic landscape painting.

About the Author

This article is written by DJ who has been contributing to the articles written on modern artistry south coast and contemporary painting south coast, Australia. The content is informative to readers and artists in various parts of the world.

Sarah Thomas
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