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Aliou Boubacar Diallo of Wassoul'Gold : "Mali has a real potential for oil and gas"

Aliou Diallo

Prépresident, director général (CEO) of Wassoul’Gold and Petroma Inc, Aliou Boubacar Diallo (57 years old) competes with powerful multinational companies, such as l’exploitation minière. Déholder of the only société à capital a majority in mali in this sector, it is éalso a pioneer in the research of gas and pétrole. It has rérecently, accordé a maintenance à nos confrères Le Nouvel Economist (Bruno Fanucchi) which we repeat here some of the passages that témoignent his ambition for Mali.

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&";It is not used to; nothing to brew billions when, à c&taxes;té, you have people who n’arrive m&stop, me not to eat three times a day"; ! Such is the deep conviction d’Aliou Boubacar Diallo. Self-made man of 57 years, he is the founder and CEO of the société minière Wassoul’Gold, première société industrial production d’or à capital a majority (75 %) of malians. It is éalso prépresident-founder of Petroma Inc, société domiciliée in Canada and spécialisée in the research of pétrole and gas in Mali.

Today’hui, it is positioned as a vétrue & "pioneer"; that is, always to the forefront of l’innovation technology, participates in the dédevelopment of his country. Prépresident, d’honor of the’Alliance, dédemocratic republic for peace (ADP/Maliba), which has nine députés in Parliament, this d man’s’is as much invested in its Foundation, Maliba (le Grand Mali). An organisation's créée in 2012 to benefit local populations retombées éeconomic and social of its main production sites.

Since the dédecades, the area of l’gold attracts a lot of d’investors éforeigners in Mali. Large mining industry (Anglogold, IamGold, Resolute&welcome to join;) have été put into production. But, a reminderé Diallo in l’interview accordée à The New Economist,"; a single société mali was able to break through : our société and research m’called d’first Sodinaf (Société dédevelopment of investment in Africa) and who had obtained a research permit in 1992, à Faboula, in the région aurifère de Sikasso";.

Créée féFebruary 2012, Wassoul’Gold comes in redémarrer his production on the site of Kodiére dépurpose d’année&welcome to join; Redérestart, because the société had known of the difficultés suite à la crisis politico-sécuritaire of 2012-2013.

" But we apuré l’intégralité liabilities, are payable by the société for then procéder à investment of over 50 million d’euros in éequipment new. We embauché of new personal compétents as well in the sub-région that’à l’international. This allows us to redémarrer l’industrial exploitation of the mine of Kodiéran, in the région de Sikasso, précisément in the Wassoulou&";, précisé Mr. Diallo.

&";Wassoulou means : the earth, by which you can brag about ! Through the name of our société Wassoul’However, we espé - operating to produce the’gold of Mali will ever be able to boast";, espère there.

préspecify :"; Two other sites are going &our vision to be quickly put into production : Tagoua d’here a year and a Traorela in two years. But the return of peace in Mali is the condition sine qua non for the pérennité everything that we are doing on the industrial and mining sectors. Without peace, nothing can &our vision to be sustainable";.

L’homme d’business is éalso haé in the exploration of the gas and pétrole with Petroma-SA. "; The Mali possèout of a potential géologique considérable, and today’hui a crédibilité certain à to give birth to large mines d’gold. S’he n’not have décovered, you n’have nothing. But s’there is a good découverte, c’is the jackpot. I take risks in an environment with a high probabilité décovered&";, saidé the CEO of Wassoul’Gold and Petroma-SA.

And d’add, & " everyone knows that Mali is a mining country that has m&m stop;me été the 1erproducteur global d’or à l’époque of Mansa Musa. Mali has a réel potential aurifère. It is m&stop, me for the pétrole and gas";.

More than 80% of Mali is located in a large basin sédimentaire. It s’is the basin of Taoudéni réparty between Mali, l’Algérie, Mauritania and Niger. "; In other countries, they were able to find pétrole. It would be a malédiction without précédent if Mali n’en décover à turn. I believe in our potential géologique&";, saidé Aliou Boubacar.

&";L’goal for us is d’&our vision to be a great producer d’gold in the sub-réregional. C’is for &case;that we have allowed research in the sub-région to become a great actor of l’gold in this part of l’Africa&welcome to join; This goal is à portée hand&";, he continued.

& " Our commitment to community and humanitarian matérialise by the Foundation Maliba. The aims à pérenniser l’idéal and social solidarité m’has always animé and which is also that of my comrades policies of l’Alliance, dédemocratic republic for peace that j’ai backgroundée in 2013"; and, he indicatedé à about its social and humanitarian actions.

And, a précisé the self-made man,"; we build and rénovons des écoles and care centres, we distribute food, we build mosquées région du Wassoulou. But we éalso made connection;works useful in the Bélédougou in the village o&where; we produce the’éelectric isé l’hydrogène free natural émission de CO2. C’is a première";.


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Aliou Diallo
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