Raveena Kidavinatavida, a well-experienced Ayurvedic Consultant in Sydney, is an expert in Ayurveda, Mind & body wellness, Holistic health, Herbal medicines & Yoga. A well known Ayurvedic Doctor in NSW, she practices Ayurveda to help people attain total health from the clinics in Parramatta.
Raveena is one of the most experienced female Ayurvedic Doctors in Australia who is a graduate on Ayurvedic medicine and has a post-graduate diploma in Yoga. She hails from Kerala, India where she has studied and practiced Ayurveda altogether for about 14 years. Raveena has been practicing Ayurveda from Sydney since 2014 March. Raveena believes and vigorously practices Ayurveda to help others to attain total health. With the view of propagating Ayurveda, Raveena is available on Skype and at Parramatta; Sydney.
It is best regarded as a perennial herbal healthcare system that has survived constant challenges from the modern methods of treatment.Although being articulated as alternative medicine, traditional Ayurveda practices have been globalized and modernized.
Market trends for Ayurvedic medicines and productsThe market forecast to 2025 suggests that Ayurvedic healthcare products including medicines, personal care products, including oral care, skin care, hair care, and fragrances are poised to rise at large via internet retailing or online stores and supermarket distribution.As per Wiseguysreport.com, global market of Ayurveda is expected to grow $9,791.0 million by 2022 at a CGR of 16.2%.
On the other hand, the same growth rate is noticed in the Indian Ayurvedic market, which is poised to grow at a CAGR of 16.0% in the next ten years.Interestingly, the demand for Ayurvedic products and medicines has prompted the opening of Ayurvedic centers across the U.S and Europe.
The R of Ayurcentral ensures maximum development of high yielding varieties for applications by users through their awareness programs.Scopes of Ayurveda MarketToday, everyone knows that an increasing number of people are afflicted with some form of arthritis.
The majority of cases of disability amongst the older population are due to this ailment.
Since the natural mode of treatment such as Ayurveda does not cause many side-effects and offer better relief from pain for a longer period, people prefer this healing method.Other than this, Ayurvedic medicines are formulated for different ailments such as skin disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorder and many more.