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How To Check Your Supplier Before Ordering

Mike Smith
How To Check Your Supplier Before Ordering

When choosing a supplier, be sure that it is a legitimate business. There are a number of ways in which you can research and check up on a supplier and save yourself a lot of time and money.

Initial Communication

When you first contact the supplier, don't provide them with too much information about yourself. If they are a fraudulent company, then doing so will give them ammunition that they can use against you. Ask more about their company, particularly concerning references and audit information. This way you can stay in control and have not taken any unnecessary risks from the start.

Internet Research

Read up on the business carefully. It is very easy to create a false identity, especially online. The Internet is also your tool to discovering how legitimate they are. While reading a profile posted on a trade site:

Match the category used by the manufacturer and their product.

Consider the length of time they have been a member of the trade site you are utilizing, and what type of membership they have.

See if their profile appears copied or generic. You can double-check this by copying and pasting a paragraph into a search engine.

Search the site for any reviews of the company and pay special attention to any negative ones.

Further investigation can be carried out using Internet search engines. Make sure to not only search for the name of the company, but also include words like 'fraud' to see if this combination produces any results. Domain information websites provide verifying services for website addresses. When using such a site, pay particular attention to their contact and registration information. Know more here Ammo for Sale Europe

Telephone Inquiry

Match the country that the company states they are from with the telephone code they provide. To disguise their real location, certain companies even use a VoIP or forwarding number, which can take the form of +4470 or +4487. There are websites on the Internet that can find out information on telephone numbers to confirm whether they are legitimate. It is important to ascertain that they have a secure landline.

When you do call the company, be sure to speak to your main contact and another employee. If the company is based in a non-English speaking country and you are unable to communicate in their language, then find someone you can talk to. Also, dial their fax number and ensure that you hear the appropriate tone.

If you wish to work with the company, observe when they choose to contact you. By doing so, you can gauge their business hours and ascertain if these hours match those appropriate to the country that they state they are from.

Mike Smith
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