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9 Steps Guide to Get Your SEO Content Right

9 Steps Guide to Get Your SEO Content Right

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consists of various strategies and tools to help your page rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). There are various paid and unpaid ways to do search engine optimization services but one common among them is content creation and optimization. The goal of any SEO content is to drive organic traffic, and increase visibility, and reach of your website. However, SEO content creation and optimization is not as easy as it may sound. So to help you understand what SEO content is and how you can create and optimize content for your website, we have created this 9-step guide.

If you still find it hard, then don’t worry because there are the best SEO services for small businesses available to help you with your content creation and optimization.

What is SEO Content?

SEO content includes the creation and optimization of digital content that helps drive organic traffic to your website and helps your website get a high ranking on SERP.

SEO content various types of writing such as blogs, articles, product descriptions, landing page copy, images, and videos, among others. The content needs careful consideration of keywords and topics, relevant to your website’s overall SEO strategy.

SEO content is important as search engines like Google, and Yahoo analyze your website’s content before giving rank to your website on search pages. Having a well-optimized website with seamless user interface is important for high SERP ranking but if your content is not useful and optimized, your website won’t rank. Hiring the top digital marketing agency in India can help you with SEO content.

9-Step Guide for SEO Content Creation

1.      Conducting Keyword Research

Keyword research is a process of finding suitable, and available keywords for the content topic for your website. It is one of the most crucial steps of SEO content creation and optimization as it helps in achieving a high rank on SERP.

Not every keyword holds the same volume and value for search ranking factors, for instance only “shapewear” may yield millions of content and product tags on a search page. These won’t work, instead, you can look for long-tail keywords like “Best Shapewear for Women” or “Women Shapewear Online” which can help your website get a better ranking.

Once you complete your keyword research, it is important to check the competitiveness and search volume of these keywords and you can do that with the help of free tools like Google Keyword planner. However, you can just hire a search engine optimization service to do the keyword research for you.

2.      Choosing Proper Formatting

Formatting for SEO content is essential and you can identify the suitable formatting for your content by searching your keyword on Google. It will show you various kinds of results such as product descriptions, articles, blogs, case studies, checklists, templates, cheat sheets, webpages describing products or services, “how-to” posts, and even videos.

You can find out what is the most useful type of formatting for your content and set everything accordingly. It will enhance the readability and digestibility of your SEO content. You should incorporate the following check-list before posting your content online-

·         Incorporate relevant bullets and numbered lists.

·         Vary sentence lengths and keep paragraphs concise and focused.

·         Include relevant images and tables where appropriate.

·         Ensure ample spacing to enhance content consumption on mobile devices.

·         Utilize headers (H1s, H2s, H3s, etc.) to structure your content effectively.

3.      Headings

Headings are the most crucial part of your SEO content as any reader will see them first. It is the first element that both Google and the reader look at while going through your profile. Following heading practices can help your content-

  • Ensure that main headings and titles (H1, H2) contain keywords and related words.
  • Subheadings (H2, H3, H4) should reflect the main headings.
  • The content of the page should align with the sub-headings in terms of paragraph text.

4.      High-Quality Writing

High-quality writing is important to engage your target audience. Content that is informative, action-oriented, and concise is important to maintain engagement. To achieve the readability of content, focus on varied sentence structure, shorter paragraphs, and clear formatting.

·         Grammatical, and Factual error free content.

·         Informative and detailed content that covers everything that your topic suggests.

·         Balanced keyword incorporation (1 keyword in every 200-300 words).

·         The complexity of language should depend on the target audience.

However, hiring a full-service digital marketing agency can help you with high-quality writing.

5.      Topical Authority

Topic authority includes complete coverage of specific topics in different blogs on your website. This way you can establish complete knowledge and information available on your website for specific topics. It is as important as to have various SEO content pieces. You can choose a “pillar’ topic that works as a center and create multiple topics surrounding that.

6.      Crafting an Engaging Introduction

SEO content introduction is important to capture the reader's attention and you can create one by using the following steps-

·         Start by citing some informative facts to showcase your knowledge and trustworthiness.

·         Begin your content with fun facts, bold statements, or a brain-storming question to engage your reader.

·         Highlight what the overall content is about to be specific and on-point.

·         You can add TOC and bullet points as key highlights of the article/blog.

7.      Meta Descriptions

A Meta description is a brief of your content that shows on SERP in 2-3 lines. It needs to be precise and informative for the reader to click. Google also appreciates good Meta descriptions as they increase click-through rates.

8.      Image Optimization

Image optimization is important as it can affect the website loading time and also it can attract the reader if used wisely. High-quality images with the description or the product your content is targeting can increase clicks on your product.

Three aspects that need to be taken care of for image optimization-

·         Name your image files appropriately, using descriptive and relevant filenames.

·         Use alt text to provide textual descriptions of the images.

·         Compress images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality.

9.      Building Backlinks

Building backlinks is crucial as Google considers them as a “vote of confidence”. Backlinks are the type of inbound hyperlinks that can be added to other relevant content for your SEO content.

You can earn backlinks organically through-

·         Name your image files appropriately, using descriptive and relevant filenames.

·         Use alt text to provide textual descriptions of the images.

·         Compress images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality.

However, building backlinks can be tricky and to do so you can hire the best SEO services in India.

Get Your Content Strategy Right for SEO!

If you follow these steps with consistency and honesty for a long time, you will definitely see your website rank high on SERP. Content creation and optimization is the most organic and essential way for your website’s optimization. Following all 9 steps in sequence is essential, skipping or changing the sequence might change the effectiveness of your SEO content strategy. However you want to save yourself from all the troubles, you can hire a top advertising company in India to do everything for your website optimization. Happy Optimizing!

Authors Profile for OMR Digital

The author of this blog is a content writer with OMR Digital. OMR Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides solutions for your digital marketing needs. We provide strategy and solutions to all your business needs. We specialize in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content Marketing, Pay-per-Click (PPC), and more. So don’t wait and benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our digital marketers and get the exceptionally best SEO services in India for your website.


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