l’interview below, the CEO of the société Petroma éclaire on investments relating to the gas project Bourakébougou. Bluntly, Aliou Boubacar Diallo talks about the future of this project. A à Z, éevokes première in the world, saluée by the communityé international, including the scientific world.
Thank you very much for this opportunityé me give, to talk about this project. Petroma is a société search pétrole and gas, which has signé agreements with the government of Mali, with d’a décret and d’a arr&stop;té ministériel. C’is suite à l’obtention of this décret and this arr&stop;té ministériel that the société have startedé à invest in research in this région. As you know, in this moment, everyone is talking about gas. There are those who speak highly of it and I’ve learned rérecently, that’there are some people who talk about négativement. C’is the’opportunity here to put the points on the i.
société Petroma n’is not allée in the jungle to récupérer of the land to invest in research. It has a convention signée with the government of the République du Mali. And since that’it exists, it has énormément contribué au dédevelopment of the research in this région, at the time of the m&stop, me o&where; all the world, a arr&stop;té activités of research in pétrole and gas in Mali. And we need to put things in their context.